How to get PyRosetta on OS X 10.6.6 working successfully

Member Site Forums PyRosetta PyRosetta – Build/Install How to get PyRosetta on OS X 10.6.6 working successfully

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    • #1064

        Hello all,

        I thought I would post this here to help other folks installing PyRosetta.

        My system is as follows:
        OS X 10.6.7
        Intel Core 2 Duo – 64 bit (To find out if you have a 64 bit machine go here
        X-Code installed
        Native OSX python

        1) After you have installed X-code and download PyRosetta open up your terminal and type:
        $ which python

        You should see something like this:

        Then at the command line type:

        Your output should look like this:

        Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jun 24 2010, 21:47:49)
        [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
        Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.

        At the >>>> line type hash(‘a’)

        >>>> hash(‘a’)

        If you see that number returned you have python 2.6.x running in 64 bit mode. If not, you need to get the native mac python running in 64 bit mode (but check to make sure your machine is actually capable of running in 64 bit).

        One thing I had to do was to remove ALL other versions of python installed. It’s important to remove all the symbolic links and framework libraries. DON’T remove the native OS X python. Also the macports, fink, and official python 2.6.x didn’t work on my machine. Macports and fink will place python is weird places on your mac and this will cause problems when you try and run PyRosetta.

        The files you might need to remove are here:
        /Applications/Python X

        Once those are cleared out and you are sure you are running the native OS python you can install and run PyRosetta with no problems. ipython is very handy so I would recommend using that plus linking ipython with emacs for editing.

        Hope this helps some folks,

      • #6179

          I suspect you could just remove the symbolic links in /usr/local/bin/ without having to gut out all your other pythons. I haven’t tried that out.

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