How to pop off terminus variants

Member Site Forums PyRosetta PyRosetta – General How to pop off terminus variants

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #1393


        I read a single-residue pose stored in pdb file with “pose_from_pdb”. Rosetta automatically added the terminus (OXT and two hydrogen atoms). Is there any way to prevent terminus adding or popping them off after reading in?


      • #7732

          It is not possible to prevent them from being read in. It should be fairly straightforward to remove them. I believe the function name is something like core::chemical::util::remove_terminus_variant_from_pose_residue. If you can’t find it let me know and I’ll go look again and find out for sure.

        • #7733

            Thanks Steve, I found it and it works well as you described.

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