fix the left part doesn’t work

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications fix the left part doesn’t work

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    • #1454


        I am using the following protocol which someone used in the forum to build loop based on crystal structure. I am going to fix the left part of the region since they are from crystal structure and I find that all the regions are rebuild by Rosetta. I am just wondering, where is the problem?

        thank you very much

        -database /opt/rosetta3.4/rosetta_database
        -nstruct $nstruct
        -loops:input_pdb ../crystal.pdb
        -loops:loop_file ../input.loop
        -loops:remodel perturb_kic
        -loops:refine refine_kic
        -loops.max_kic_build_attempts 100
        -loops:fix_natsc true
        -loops:neighbor_dist 0.0
        -loops:relax fastrelax
        -out:path:pdb ./
        -out:suffix $i

      • #8040

          Double check your loop file….

        • #8041

            What does “left part” mean…?

          • #8045

              I checked many times, and I don’t know where the problem it is…..

            • #8046

                Is the backbone moving or just the sidechains? What do the occupancies of the moving region look like in the PDB (are they nonzero)? Post the loop file (just paste it into the text box).

              • #8047

                  both backbone and side chain moves. I trying to include the hydrogen as the input file, but it always claim loop definition out of range. So, I removed all hydrogen as initial structure. Here is the loop file:

                  LOOP 193 208 200 0 1

                • #8049

                    thanks for kind comments. In fact, I remubered the residues from 1…..

                  • #8050

                      You have fastrelax turned on – try turning that off. I don’t know if fastrelax limits itself to just the defined loop.

                    • #8051

                        IC, it works now. However, I find my disfulde bridge was borken…..

                      • #8048

                          If those values are meant to be PDB numberings, you need to include the PDB chain; for example

                          LOOP 193A 208A 200A 0 1

                          Rosetta interprets wthem as 1-indexed residue IDs (whole pose numbered starting from 1) normally.

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