CSrosetta run problem

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications CSrosetta run problem

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    • #1626

        I know this forum probably isnt the best place for this issue, but as my issue seems to be more of a rosetta to CS rosetta communication problem maybe people can help.
        I’m trying to use csrosetta3 with rosetta3.5 and at this stage I’m just following the basic tutorial at http://www.csrosetta.org/node/1340. I had huge issues installing it in the first place and inorder to run anything, in the flag file for fragment genration I had to comment a line with -mute in it. Hopefully this isn’t too important.
        Having generated fragments I got the job set up, but when I ran
        %source production.interactive.job -n 4
        I got a huge amount of errors, including a very familiar
        ERROR: Option matching -mute_warning not found in command line top-level context
        Has anyone come accross something similiar, I can’t seem to be getting over this error, it just keeps coming up when ever I resolve something else…

      • #8971

          The tracer control flags have changed in 3.5. If you’re just using -mute, -unmute, and -out:level X flags, things should work as normal.

          The -mute_warning etc. flags have been removed, though, in favor of the -out:levels flag e.g.

          -out:levels all:warning core.conformation.Conformation:error core.scoring.Hbonds:info

          So all the tracer channels in the -mute_warnings option would be transferred to “tracer.name:error” parameters in -out:levels.

          This is all incidental to the running of the protocol, anyway. As long as you’re not getting unrecognized option errors, the various mute/unmute/levels settings shouldn’t change the actual trajectory of the run, they’ll just control how much information gets printed to the terminal/logfile. (So you can safely comment out the -mute_warning line, if you don’t want to muck around with transitioning them to the new scheme.)

        • #8980

            Getting rid of all the -mute etc seemed like a big job and Rosetta 3.5 didn’t want to work, so I changed to 3.4 and that fixed the -mute and -unmute issues.
            I also had to install the multi processor version of rosetta to make the tutorial work, but that evident from: MPI_RUN: Undefined variable.
            Everything seems to be working now.

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