score:weights for fixbb application in Rosetta 3.5

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications score:weights for fixbb application in Rosetta 3.5

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    • #2295


        If you specify a weights file using the option ‘-score:weights’ , will that weighted scoring function be used in optimizing side chain placement? That is, does the simulated annealing algorithm incorporate the scoring function specified by ‘-score:weights’, or is ‘score:weights’ only used in the final scoring of the structure AFTER side chains are placed and the designed PDB is complete?


      • #11112

          The weights file passed to -score:weights should be used as the “default” scorefunction by all stages of Rosetta protocols which use the default weights for – for fixbb that should be all stages – both the optimization and the final scoring.

          I say “protocols which use the default weights” because there are some protocols which hard code specialist weights for certain stages, and there’s complexity with centroid-mode stages and scoring. But fixbb should use the passed weights file for everything.

        • #11123

            Thanks, that was helpful.


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