Running time of Rosetta/FlexPepDock

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Running time of Rosetta/FlexPepDock

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    • #2308

        Hello everyone, and thanks for reading this!

        My question is about the running time of a docking. I need to dock several same length peptides to a small protein. I have a around 55 nodes for this job. My question is should i put 1 job for each node, or should i do the jobs one by one and assig each job to the 55 cores with MPI?


      • #11267


          Running time will depend on your cluster. You can check it by running a single run. Are you planning to do refinement or ab-initio?

          I will adivce you to run them one by one. 


        • #11268

            I am planning to do a refinement, i am testing it now, but yes, it seems one core / docking is more efficient!


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