problem building Rosetta3.5 on Ubuntu 14.04

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install problem building Rosetta3.5 on Ubuntu 14.04

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    • #2330

        Hello Rosetta users,

        I am trying to build Rosetta 3.5 on my linux machine running Ubuntu 14.04.

        I used the command: 

        scons bin mode=release cxx=gcc cxx_ver=4.6 arch=x86 arch_size=64

        I get the error messege:

        src/protocols/wum2/ error: a function call cannot appear in a constant-expression

        src/protocols/wum2/ error: template argument 1 is invalid

        src/protocols/wum2/ error: prototype for ‘protocols::wum2::EndPoint::EndPoint(int)’ does not match any in class ‘protocols::wum2::EndPoint’

        src/protocols/wum2/EndPoint.hh:33:7: error: candidates are: protocols::wum2::EndPoint::EndPoint(const protocols::wum2::EndPoint&)

        src/protocols/wum2/EndPoint.hh:36:2: error:                 protocols::wum2::EndPoint::EndPoint(boost::function<long long unsigned int()>)

        scons: *** [build/src/release/linux/3.16/64/x86/gcc/4.6/default/protocols/wum2/EndPoint.os] Error 1

        scons: building terminated because of errors.


        Can anyone help me?

        Thanks, Adva.

      • #11312

          Is there a reason you’ve given SCons the “cxx=gcc cxx_ver=4.6 arch=x86 arch_size=64” set of flags?  Especially with arch, are you trying to cross compile?

          3.5 is fairly old, have you tried one of the weekly releases?


        • #11313

            This previous question should be applicable to your situation, although the solution does require editing a few source files.

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