setup_run error with multiple resonance lists

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General setup_run error with multiple resonance lists

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    • #2394


        I’m trying to set up an autoNOE protocol specifying an assigned resonance list for each peak list in setup_target. However, when I do this, fails with the error listed below. I tried generating just one run directory with -traceback and have copied the error stack trace. When I specify a single .prot resonance list, it works just fine, but when I specify multiple files it gives these errors. The files are copied just fine in /nmr_data during the step, so they are there even though the error says they cannot be found. I need to be able to specify an assigned list for each noesy peak list. I can set up each run directory and flag file by hand if necessary, but I can’t find an example of what these are supposed to look like when multiple resonance lists are specified. Can anyone help me either solve this error or provide an example of setup/flag files when multiple .prot lists are specified? 

        Thank you!

        setup_autoNOE -target test -method autoNOE -dir ../cs_targetlib/ -job moab -extras mpi


        EXECUTE META SCRIPT: setup_run -method autoNOE -run_label cst_05 -noesy_cst_strength 5 -target test -method autoNOE -dir ../cs_targetlib/ -job moab -extras mpi


        integrate job: interactive from library

        integrate job: moab from library

        integrate job: slurm from library

        Build job-files  moab


        Setup( test | autoNOE_standard )


        LOADED: Method options from existing setup ‘autoNOE_standard’…

        – — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

        Method: autoNOE

        Chosen Options: 

           cs nmr_data/

           fasta fragments/t000.fasta

           frags fragments/t000.frags3.dat.gz fragments/t000.frags9.dat.gz

           no_auto_intensities False

           peaks nmr_data/n.peaks nmr_data/ali.peaks nmr_data/aro.peaks

           shifts nmr_data/n.trim.prot nmr_data/ali.trim.prot nmr_data/aro.trim.prot

        replacing the restraint strenght with cmd-line controlled weight…

        generate run from  Setup( test | autoNOE_standard )

        CM_DIR:  /home/user/cs_targetlib/test


        RunGenerator: generate targetflags inputs/flags_autoNOE as ../cs_targetlib/test/cst_05/inputs/flags_autoNOE

        prepare prot files for autoNOE-Rosetta …



         please send a description of what you were doing, the cmd-line and the stack-trace (run with -traceback) to

         to : 


        Error occurred in command “setup_run -method autoNOE -run_label cst_05 -noesy_cst_strength 5 -target test -method autoNOE -dir ../cs_targetlib/ -job moab -extras mpi”

        # This is the traceback stack-trace:


        RunGenerator: generate targetflags inputs/flags_autoNOE as ../../cs_targetlib/test/cst_05/inputs/flags_autoNOE

        prepare prot files for autoNOE-Rosetta …

        Traceback (most recent call last):

          File “/opt/rosetta/3/csrosetta3/com_alias/setup_run”, line 163, in <module>

            my_run.generate_flags( setup, application.method )

          File “/opt/rosetta/3/csrosetta3/python/automatic_setup/”, line 178, in generate_flags

            self.setup_target_flags( method, setup )

          File “/opt/rosetta/3/csrosetta3/python/automatic_setup/”, line 113, in setup_target_flags

            method.make_target_flags(self, setup, self.targetflags, flag_file, self.SUBS )

          File “/opt/rosetta/3/csrosetta3/flag_library/methods/autoNOE/”, line 171, in make_target_flags

            prots=self.prepare_prot( setup, prots )

          File “/opt/rosetta/3/csrosetta3/flag_library/methods/autoNOE/”, line 114, in prepare_prot

            tr.out(“will go %s –> %s”%(setup.abspath(input_shifts), setup.abspath(prot)))

          File “/opt/rosetta/3/csrosetta3/python/automatic_setup/”, line 151, in abspath


          File “/opt/rosetta/3/csrosetta3/python/automatic_setup/”, line 220, in abspath

            self.raise_missing_file_error( file )

          File “/opt/rosetta/3/csrosetta3/python/automatic_setup/”, line 320, in raise_missing_file_error

            raise library.ProgramError(“cannot find file %s in Target %sn(usually added by <method>/ during setup)”%(file,



      • #11540

          You might (possibly) have better success with asking this question at the CSRosetta forums:

          Otherwise, the maintainer for the CSRosetta has transitioned from Oliver Lange to Nik Sgourakis (, so you might also want to email him and see if he is able to help.

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