Give preference to native residue during fixed backbone designing

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    • #2405


        I want to do fixed back-bone design. Rosetta output gives me a lot of mutation. I want to limit the numbers. I donot want mutations that marginally stabilizes the protein. Is there any way to tell to software to prefer the native aminoacid. 


        Thanks a lot

      • #11503

          How are you doing your mutations? 

          This is not so easy to do for the fixbb application, but it is quite straightforward through RosettaScripts. See the for a simple FavorNativeResidue approach, and for a more flexible approach that allows you to give partial bonuses for similar residues (e.g. SER and THR).

          Also, you’ll probably want to read Nivon et al. “Automating human intuition for protein design”: which does pretty much exactly what you’re talking about.

        • #11504

            Dear Tushar,

            In the old Rosetta++ days, there was an option “-favor_native_residue” that did
            what you want. Currently, it does not work with the fixbb application. This is
            a known bug

            However, there is a work-around. Instead of the fixbb application, you can use
            rosettascripts as documented here:

            Look at these files in your rosetta distribution for an example you can adapt:

            Good luck!

          • #11508

              Hi rmoretti,

              Hi sheehajh,

              Thanks for your valuable advice. Initially I was following the paper incorrectly. Now my problem got resolved.

            • #11505

                Hi rmoretti,

                Hi sheehajh,

                Thanks for your valuable advice. I went through the above link and the paper regarding Rosetta script. I could able to run the sript but the problem is it didn’t consider the res file which I have mentioned  in command line. When I added  “<ReadResfile name = rrf filename = myresfile.res />” line as recommended in the paper I got an error saying “ReadRes file is not known to the MoverFactory “. May I know how to use resfile (or provide the same information) while using rosetta script. 


                Thanks a lot.

              • #11506

                  Hi rmoretti,

                  Hi sheehajh,

                  Thanks for your valuable advice. I went through the above link and the paper regarding Rosetta script. I could able to run the sript but the problem is it didn’t consider the res file which I have mentioned  in command line. When I added  “<ReadResfile name = rrf filename = myresfile.res />” line as recommended in the paper I got an error saying “ReadRes file is not known to the MoverFactory “. May I know how to use resfile (or provide the same information) while using rosetta script. 


                  Thanks a lot.

                • #11538

                    To clarify for possible future readers, the issue is that the ReadResfile tag needs to go into the TaskOperations section, rather than the Movers section. (ReadResfile isn’t known to the MoverFactory because it’s a TaskOperation.)

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