fragment_picker.mpi.linuxgccrelease can’t find :

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    • #2448

        I’m sorry… I’m sure this is just something basic I overlooked but I’m not sure how this is happening since it seems that a basic component is missing….

        I have Rosetta compiled with “extras = mpi” and I have OpenMPI installed.

        I ran:

        (mpirun –mca btl_tcp_if_exclude lo,virbr0 –hostfile hostfile -np 1 /home/starone/Public/Rosetta/main/source/bin/fragment_picker.mpi.linuxgccrelease @flags > frag.out) >& frag.err


        And found this in frag.err:


        /Rosetta/main/source/bin/fragment_picker.mpi.linuxgccrelease: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

      • #11676

          Often when one of the “external” libraries (libsqlite, libcppdb, libcifparse) can’t be found that indicates an issue with compilation, or that you moved the executables.

          In the Rosetta build process, the “external” libraries are built in a separate directory from the “internal” libraries. During compilation the Rosetta programs should be annotated with the location of the external libraries. However, sometimes this doesn’t work. Also, if you move the Rosetta installation after it’s built (or even just run if from a different absolute path – for example if your mount point changes, or you have it on a network drive) then the annotations no longer work.

          My recommendation is to try to re-run the compilation step, making sure to compile it from the same directory name as you are going to run it from in the production case.

        • #11678

            If you did that recompile AFTER changing your MPI version, then the recompile after changing the version should have worked.  That said, the standard thing to try first here is “recompile” – it’s the equivalent of “turn if off and then on again”, and worth doing before we try diagnosing any further.

          • #11680

              Doesn’t look like the output of a recompilation… :) ?  Is there a specific option I can set to specify “recompile”?


              scons: Reading SConscript files …

              Running versioning script … fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

              Done. (0.1 seconds)

              file ./options.dox being updated

              file ./ being updated

              Number of option files updated: 2

              Total 3670 options.

              Finished updating ResidueProperty code — no changes needed

              Finished updating VariantType code — no changes needed

              scons: done reading SConscript files.

              scons: Building targets …

              scons: `bin’ is up to date.

              scons: done building targets.


            • #11682

                Will do…  But I was just wondering, could it be that I usually download Rosetta with binaries and only ever build the MPI binaries, so I never needed sqlite before?  Because it’s not installed on my machine… then again I don’t remember seeing it mentioned in the Rosetta build documentation.

                If I do need it, how do I install it using that “sudo apt-get…” thing :)

                Thanks again for all your help!



              • #11685

                  This is what I get when I use that command:















                • #11686


                    I didn’t know where apps.src.settings was and a friend suggested I run this command:  sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

                    This solved the problem, though I’m thinking it’s not the kind of solution that works well given what you said about only requiring a dependency on the compiler and MPI. I’ll mark this one solved unless you want me to do something further to help find a more satisfactory solution.

                  • #11677

                      Thank you very much for you quick reply!  Just to be sure I’m giving you all the information before following your suggestion…

                      I didn’t move the executables, but I did want to do a clean rebuild after I changed from the MPI package that comes with Ubuntu to OpenMPI.  I couldn’t find a “clean build” option for Rosetta so I followed the instructions I found from a search:

                      I ran:

                      You *should* clean your compiled copy and rebuild. The simplest way to do this is:

                       cd build

                       rm -rf external src (and whatever else is there)

                       cd ../bin

                       rm -rf *release *debug (and anything else)

                       cd ..

                       rm .sconsign.dblite

                      Would any of this cause the problem?  Would the re-compile still solve it?

                      Thank you!

                      Take care,




                    • #11681

                        That’s a recompile where it didn’t do anything (specifically, it didn’t re-link, which is the problem you appear to have).  Your cleaning procedure (delete the contents of build and .sconsign.dblite) was correct – try that again and then compile.  

                      • #11683

                          0:18:28 KLAW-GOR ~/ROSETTA/Rosetta/main/source> find . -name “*sqli*”










                          It should already be in your Rosetta download, so you don’t need the system dependency.  We try to make it so that the only external dependency is the compiler and MPI.

                          If recompiling doesn’t work, try adding sqlite3 to the list at the bottom of apps.src.settings.

                        • #11688



                            If it’s working for you, I’m happy!  If you aren’t using the sqlite3 hookups, and you probably aren’t, then it will be fine.  

                          • #11693

                              Ok.. thanks for helping me.  Let me know if there’s anything I can do.

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