First of all, kudos on all the work that goes into PyRosetta – it makes it quite easy to quickly put together custom protocols.
Quick question – How can I create a SnugDock object in PyRosetta? I am using release 2016.18.58680, and I’ve compiled pyrosetta under Ubuntu 12.04 (the compilation seems fine as I can call lots of rosetta protocols and they work as expected). It doesn’t look like pyrosetta is aware of any of the SnugDock code. Here’s a code snippet:
from rosetta import *
from rosetta.protocols.antibody import *
from rosetta.protocols.antibody.design import *
from rosetta.protocols.antibody.snugdock import *
pose = pose_from_file(“mymab.pdb”)
ab_info = AntibodyInfo(pose)
# line below works well, and I can access its functions
modeler = GeneralAntibodyModeler(ab_info)
# line below doesn’t work. Tabbing in ipython for rosetta.protocols.antibody.snugdock doesn’t return anything, while it does for rosetta.protocols.antibody.design
snugler = SnugDock()
Is there any way I can ensure that SnugDock files are considered when compiling pyrosetta?