Symmetric design with PyRosetta

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    • #2536



        Is it possible to do symmetric design with PyRosetta4 ?


        I try to pass a symmetry flag to the command line and run pack_rotamers but I get a warning saying that I try to

        use a symmetric score function on a non symmetric protocol or something like that.


        In previous Rosetta versions, there was a symmetric_pack_rotamers, but this method disappeared and there is some symmetry code in

        the pack_rotamer method. Still, it doesn’t work. It works if I run fixxbb protocol though.


        I tried also this:


        score_fxn = create_score_function(scorefunc)
        mytask = TaskFactory.create_packer_task(pose)
        parse_resfile(pose, mytask, resfile)
        png = create_packer_graph(pose, score_fxn, mytask)
        mysymtask = make_new_symmetric_PackerTask_by_requested_method(pose,mytask)
        rotsets = SymmetricRotamerSets()
        pack_scorefxn_pose_handshake( pose, score_fxn);
        rotsets.set_task( mysymtask )
        rotsets.build_rotamers( pose, score_fxn, png )
        rotsets.prepare_sets_for_packing( pose, score_fxn )


        But I get a segmentation fault in initialize_pose_for_rotsets_creation. Would anyone know why ?

        This piece of code is extracted from a script that works perfectly fine in non-symmetric mode.


      • #11972

          The reason for absense of symmetric_pack_rotamers is that it is no longer present in Rosetta C++ code. This is because regular pack_rotamers should be able now to handle symetric poses. Have you tried using it instead?

        • #12493

            The reason for absense of symmetric_pack_rotamers is that it is no longer present in Rosetta C++ code. This is because regular pack_rotamers should be able now to handle symetric poses. Have you tried using it instead?

          • #13014

              The reason for absense of symmetric_pack_rotamers is that it is no longer present in Rosetta C++ code. This is because regular pack_rotamers should be able now to handle symetric poses. Have you tried using it instead?

            • #11975

                If you have C++ code working – then it should definetely works in PyRosetta. Unless of course the C++ code is for different verion of Rosetta (for example if it have symmetric_pack_rotamers not yet removed). Could you please double check that your Rosetta C++ code version match/close to PyRosetta build?

              • #12496

                  If you have C++ code working – then it should definetely works in PyRosetta. Unless of course the C++ code is for different verion of Rosetta (for example if it have symmetric_pack_rotamers not yet removed). Could you please double check that your Rosetta C++ code version match/close to PyRosetta build?

                • #13017

                    If you have C++ code working – then it should definetely works in PyRosetta. Unless of course the C++ code is for different verion of Rosetta (for example if it have symmetric_pack_rotamers not yet removed). Could you please double check that your Rosetta C++ code version match/close to PyRosetta build?

                  • #11977

                      It works with rosetta-3.7 and doesn’t work with PyRosetta4 release 117. 


                      Here is exactly what I do:

                      I have a symmetry definition file and an imput files that were both generated by the rosetta perl script.

                      I give both files to rosetta-3.7 fixxbb and it works. I can see from the log that it reads the symmetry definition properly.


                      With PyRosetta4:

                      I give the symmetry flag to the init() method

                      I load the pose and the score function. Then I do this:

                      mytask = TaskFactory.create_packer_task(pose)
                      parse_resfile(pose, mytask, resfile)
                      pack_rotamers(pose, score_fxn, mytask)


                      and it says:

                      core.scoring.symmetry.SymmetricScoreFunction: Warning!!! Using a symmetric score function on a non-symmetric pose



                    • #12498

                        It works with rosetta-3.7 and doesn’t work with PyRosetta4 release 117. 


                        Here is exactly what I do:

                        I have a symmetry definition file and an imput files that were both generated by the rosetta perl script.

                        I give both files to rosetta-3.7 fixxbb and it works. I can see from the log that it reads the symmetry definition properly.


                        With PyRosetta4:

                        I give the symmetry flag to the init() method

                        I load the pose and the score function. Then I do this:

                        mytask = TaskFactory.create_packer_task(pose)
                        parse_resfile(pose, mytask, resfile)
                        pack_rotamers(pose, score_fxn, mytask)


                        and it says:

                        core.scoring.symmetry.SymmetricScoreFunction: Warning!!! Using a symmetric score function on a non-symmetric pose



                      • #13019

                          It works with rosetta-3.7 and doesn’t work with PyRosetta4 release 117. 


                          Here is exactly what I do:

                          I have a symmetry definition file and an imput files that were both generated by the rosetta perl script.

                          I give both files to rosetta-3.7 fixxbb and it works. I can see from the log that it reads the symmetry definition properly.


                          With PyRosetta4:

                          I give the symmetry flag to the init() method

                          I load the pose and the score function. Then I do this:

                          mytask = TaskFactory.create_packer_task(pose)
                          parse_resfile(pose, mytask, resfile)
                          pack_rotamers(pose, score_fxn, mytask)


                          and it says:

                          core.scoring.symmetry.SymmetricScoreFunction: Warning!!! Using a symmetric score function on a non-symmetric pose



                        • #11983

                            The PyRosetta 117 is significantly more recent then 3.7 release so code is changed since then. I will try to ask develepers who familiar with this part of the code if there is a way around this.

                          • #12504

                              The PyRosetta 117 is significantly more recent then 3.7 release so code is changed since then. I will try to ask develepers who familiar with this part of the code if there is a way around this.

                            • #13025

                                The PyRosetta 117 is significantly more recent then 3.7 release so code is changed since then. I will try to ask develepers who familiar with this part of the code if there is a way around this.

                              • #11985

                                  Well, I guess you are right. I wasn’t aware of any method to establish the pose as symmetric. 

                                  I figured all this would be “automatic” since I specified some symmetry flag to the command line… 

                                  I’ll give it a try and let you know. This may close the topic, thanks for your answers.


                                • #12506

                                    Well, I guess you are right. I wasn’t aware of any method to establish the pose as symmetric. 

                                    I figured all this would be “automatic” since I specified some symmetry flag to the command line… 

                                    I’ll give it a try and let you know. This may close the topic, thanks for your answers.


                                  • #13027

                                      Well, I guess you are right. I wasn’t aware of any method to establish the pose as symmetric. 

                                      I figured all this would be “automatic” since I specified some symmetry flag to the command line… 

                                      I’ll give it a try and let you know. This may close the topic, thanks for your answers.


                                    • #11986

                                        It works, thank you guys.

                                        Actually the SymPackRotamersMover does everything I want.

                                      • #12507

                                          It works, thank you guys.

                                          Actually the SymPackRotamersMover does everything I want.

                                        • #13028

                                            It works, thank you guys.

                                            Actually the SymPackRotamersMover does everything I want.

                                          • #11973

                                              Yes I tried, sorry if my message wasn’t clear. 

                                              I tried, and I got a warning which said that I was using a symmetric score function with a non symmetric protocol. 

                                              I’ll post some more code about what I tried when I’m back in the lab tomorrow. 

                                              It works fine with the c++ code, but I can’t make it work with pack_rotamer in the python version. 

                                              I give the same symmetry options as when I run fixbb with the c++ version.


                                            • #12494

                                                Yes I tried, sorry if my message wasn’t clear. 

                                                I tried, and I got a warning which said that I was using a symmetric score function with a non symmetric protocol. 

                                                I’ll post some more code about what I tried when I’m back in the lab tomorrow. 

                                                It works fine with the c++ code, but I can’t make it work with pack_rotamer in the python version. 

                                                I give the same symmetry options as when I run fixbb with the c++ version.


                                              • #13015

                                                  Yes I tried, sorry if my message wasn’t clear. 

                                                  I tried, and I got a warning which said that I was using a symmetric score function with a non symmetric protocol. 

                                                  I’ll post some more code about what I tried when I’m back in the lab tomorrow. 

                                                  It works fine with the c++ code, but I can’t make it work with pack_rotamer in the python version. 

                                                  I give the same symmetry options as when I run fixbb with the c++ version.


                                                • #11974



                                                  • #12495



                                                    • #13016



                                                      • #11984

                                                          Possibly silly question, but have you properly initialized symmetry in your PyRosetta pose? That is, does core.pose.symmetry.is_symmetric( pose ) return True?

                                                          If not, what have you done in your PyRosetta protocol to setup the pose for symmetry?  Have you used core.pose.symmetry.make_symmetric_pose()? (

                                                          Or did you use some other method to establish the pose as symmetric? For example, the fixbb application calls the protocols.simple_moves.symmetry.SetupForSymmetryMover on the pose prior to running the packer.

                                                        • #12505

                                                            Possibly silly question, but have you properly initialized symmetry in your PyRosetta pose? That is, does core.pose.symmetry.is_symmetric( pose ) return True?

                                                            If not, what have you done in your PyRosetta protocol to setup the pose for symmetry?  Have you used core.pose.symmetry.make_symmetric_pose()? (

                                                            Or did you use some other method to establish the pose as symmetric? For example, the fixbb application calls the protocols.simple_moves.symmetry.SetupForSymmetryMover on the pose prior to running the packer.

                                                          • #13026

                                                              Possibly silly question, but have you properly initialized symmetry in your PyRosetta pose? That is, does core.pose.symmetry.is_symmetric( pose ) return True?

                                                              If not, what have you done in your PyRosetta protocol to setup the pose for symmetry?  Have you used core.pose.symmetry.make_symmetric_pose()? (

                                                              Or did you use some other method to establish the pose as symmetric? For example, the fixbb application calls the protocols.simple_moves.symmetry.SetupForSymmetryMover on the pose prior to running the packer.

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