Error using FilterScan with rosettascripts

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        I’m trying to perform a residue scanning of an interface in order to identify potential mutations that can improve affinity.  I tried using the FilterScan filter:



                <t14 weights=”talaris2014″/>




                <InitializeFromCommandline name=cmdTask/>

                <RestrictToRepacking name=repackOnly/>

                <ReadResfile name=resfile filename=%%resfile%%/>



                <ScoreType name=”tot_score” scorefxn=t14 threshold=1.0/>

                <Ddg name=”calc_ddg” scorefxn=t14 jump=2/>

                #FilterScan name=”mut_scan” scorefxn=t14 task_operations=cmdTask,resfile filter=tot_score delta=True/>

                <FilterScan name=”mut_scan” scorefxn=t14 task_operations=cmdTask,resfile filter=tot_score jump=2/>



                <PackRotamersMover name=repack task_operations=cmdTask,repackOnly/>

                <MinMover name=min bb=0 chi=1 jump=0/>





                <Add mover=repack/>

                <Add filter=mut_scan/>



        This throws an error:

        <FilterScan filter=tot_score jump=2 name=mut_scan scorefxn=t14 task_operations=cmdTask,resfile/>

         available options are: confidence, delta, dump_pdb, dump_pdb_name, filter, keep_native, name, relax_mover, report_all, resfile_general_property, resfile_name, rtmin, score_log_file, scorefxn, task_operations, triage_filter, 

        ERROR: ‘jump’ is not a valid option for FilterScan

        ERROR:: Exit from: src/utility/tag/ line: 174

        If I remove the “jump” keyword, this error goes away.  I’m using “rosetta_src_2016.46.59086_bundle”.  

        Also, is this the most appropriate filter to be using to scan for affinity-enhancing mutations?


        Thanks in advance.



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