Why are all source codes .gz and not .tgz

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    • #2552

        After getting the license info. I go to designated site and sign in as Academic_User, with password.  For all of Rossetta releases, all I see are files with the .gz extension.  Downloading these and using gunzip on linux, just gives a binary file-not even executable–Actually need source code anythow.  What am I missing?  I would have expected files with .tgz, for which I can get the source code (or , I guess the binaries plus source as bundle) to compile.  I would like to try and use SnugDock, which I sense from other Forum responses, is only available with 2.3.1.  But this issue with the .gz extension prevents me from even checking this.  I’ve downloaded 3.3 a year ago–I think it was .tgz  and have it  compiled–but can’t remember what the actual extension was at the download site at the time.  Is SnugDock in version 3.7 somewhere ?

        Thank You

        Mr. Ignorant.

      • #12026

          You mention gunzip but not tar.  They should be tarballs – .tar.gz or .tgz.  Decompress and untar them with tar -xvzf whatever.tgz .

          If you mean that you did try tar, and not gunzip, and you still get garbage, let me know exactly which one you tried and I’ll be happy to check if it’s corrupted.

          Snugdock should be in 3.7, or the most recent weekly.

        • #12547

            You mention gunzip but not tar.  They should be tarballs – .tar.gz or .tgz.  Decompress and untar them with tar -xvzf whatever.tgz .

            If you mean that you did try tar, and not gunzip, and you still get garbage, let me know exactly which one you tried and I’ll be happy to check if it’s corrupted.

            Snugdock should be in 3.7, or the most recent weekly.

          • #13068

              You mention gunzip but not tar.  They should be tarballs – .tar.gz or .tgz.  Decompress and untar them with tar -xvzf whatever.tgz .

              If you mean that you did try tar, and not gunzip, and you still get garbage, let me know exactly which one you tried and I’ll be happy to check if it’s corrupted.

              Snugdock should be in 3.7, or the most recent weekly.

            • #12036

                Again, the file I get just has the .gz extension not .tgz.

                However,If I do

                >  tar -xvzf rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.gz









                So, I do get a list of all the files and subdirectoires expected, but afterward, do not get the directory created named rosetta_src_3.7_bundle

              • #12557

                  Again, the file I get just has the .gz extension not .tgz.

                  However,If I do

                  >  tar -xvzf rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.gz









                  So, I do get a list of all the files and subdirectoires expected, but afterward, do not get the directory created named rosetta_src_3.7_bundle

                • #13078

                    Again, the file I get just has the .gz extension not .tgz.

                    However,If I do

                    >  tar -xvzf rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.gz









                    So, I do get a list of all the files and subdirectoires expected, but afterward, do not get the directory created named rosetta_src_3.7_bundle

                  • #12037

                      I can’t duplicate the extension changing problem.

                      That looks more or less like the files you should have; naviagate to main/source and compile it normally.  Is that subdirectory not present, or does it not compile….?  Can you not find the binaries after compiling?

                    • #12558

                        I can’t duplicate the extension changing problem.

                        That looks more or less like the files you should have; naviagate to main/source and compile it normally.  Is that subdirectory not present, or does it not compile….?  Can you not find the binaries after compiling?

                      • #13079

                          I can’t duplicate the extension changing problem.

                          That looks more or less like the files you should have; naviagate to main/source and compile it normally.  Is that subdirectory not present, or does it not compile….?  Can you not find the binaries after compiling?

                        • #12028

                            I do not get tarballs–all I get is a file with .gz extension not .tgz.  For example I click on “Rosetta 3.7 source”, and save to my downloads dir. and what I get is rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.gz.  I tried to email  general-support@rosettacommons.org but the mail came back undeliverable.  I’ll try  license@uw.edu

                          • #12549

                              I do not get tarballs–all I get is a file with .gz extension not .tgz.  For example I click on “Rosetta 3.7 source”, and save to my downloads dir. and what I get is rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.gz.  I tried to email  general-support@rosettacommons.org but the mail came back undeliverable.  I’ll try  license@uw.edu

                            • #13070

                                I do not get tarballs–all I get is a file with .gz extension not .tgz.  For example I click on “Rosetta 3.7 source”, and save to my downloads dir. and what I get is rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.gz.  I tried to email  general-support@rosettacommons.org but the mail came back undeliverable.  I’ll try  license@uw.edu

                              • #12027


                                • #12548


                                  • #13069


                                    • #12029

                                        They’re just going to send you back here.

                                        I assume the page we are talking about is https://www.rosettacommons.org/downloads/academic/3.7/, and the file we are talking about is rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tar.gz?  Does it match this md5sum (taken from the md5 hashes list on the same page)?:


                                        701b66d69132f1641d4cc35ed38a6786 rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle.tgz

                                      • #12550

                                          They’re just going to send you back here.

                                          I assume the page we are talking about is https://www.rosettacommons.org/downloads/academic/3.7/, and the file we are talking about is rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tar.gz?  Does it match this md5sum (taken from the md5 hashes list on the same page)?:


                                          701b66d69132f1641d4cc35ed38a6786 rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle.tgz

                                        • #13071

                                            They’re just going to send you back here.

                                            I assume the page we are talking about is https://www.rosettacommons.org/downloads/academic/3.7/, and the file we are talking about is rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tar.gz?  Does it match this md5sum (taken from the md5 hashes list on the same page)?:


                                            701b66d69132f1641d4cc35ed38a6786 rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle.tgz

                                          • #12030

                                              Well, when I click on “MD5.checksum ot files” I see “701b66d69132f1641d4cc35ed38a6786 rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle.tgz” in the list–If that is what is meant by “match”, then yes, I think.

                                              Actually, I just found a copy of rosetta_bin_linux_2016.32.58837_bundle.tar (Rosetta 3.2) laying around that I must have downloaded last August, and which appears to have SnugDock.  I suppose I can get started with that for now.

                                            • #12551

                                                Well, when I click on “MD5.checksum ot files” I see “701b66d69132f1641d4cc35ed38a6786 rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle.tgz” in the list–If that is what is meant by “match”, then yes, I think.

                                                Actually, I just found a copy of rosetta_bin_linux_2016.32.58837_bundle.tar (Rosetta 3.2) laying around that I must have downloaded last August, and which appears to have SnugDock.  I suppose I can get started with that for now.

                                              • #13072

                                                  Well, when I click on “MD5.checksum ot files” I see “701b66d69132f1641d4cc35ed38a6786 rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle.tgz” in the list–If that is what is meant by “match”, then yes, I think.

                                                  Actually, I just found a copy of rosetta_bin_linux_2016.32.58837_bundle.tar (Rosetta 3.2) laying around that I must have downloaded last August, and which appears to have SnugDock.  I suppose I can get started with that for now.

                                                • #12031

                                                    I meant for you to calculate the md5sum of whatever file you’ve downloaded.  Like so:

                                                    >$ md5sum testfile

                                                    ad6cfed8bd2700814d31d6fa17f5e00c  testfile

                                                  • #12552

                                                      I meant for you to calculate the md5sum of whatever file you’ve downloaded.  Like so:

                                                      >$ md5sum testfile

                                                      ad6cfed8bd2700814d31d6fa17f5e00c  testfile

                                                    • #13073

                                                        I meant for you to calculate the md5sum of whatever file you’ve downloaded.  Like so:

                                                        >$ md5sum testfile

                                                        ad6cfed8bd2700814d31d6fa17f5e00c  testfile

                                                      • #12032

                                                          Yes, md5sum rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tar.gz gives


                                                          which matches what is given on the download page.


                                                        • #12553

                                                            Yes, md5sum rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tar.gz gives


                                                            which matches what is given on the download page.


                                                          • #13074

                                                              Yes, md5sum rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tar.gz gives


                                                              which matches what is given on the download page.


                                                            • #12035

                                                                I downloaded it locally to check.  

                                                                Same file: 

                                                                -> % gmd5sum rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tgz

                                                                701b66d69132f1641d4cc35ed38a6786  rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tgz


                                                                Untar with:

                                                                ~> & tar -xvzf rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tgz


                                                                 -> % ll rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle

                                                                total 0

                                                                drwxr-xr-x@ 25 smlewis  staff   850 Aug 10 08:06 demos

                                                                drwxr-xr-x@ 36 smlewis  staff  1224 Aug 10 08:06 documentation

                                                                drwxr-xr-x@  9 smlewis  staff   306 Aug 10 08:06 main

                                                                drwxr-xr-x@ 43 smlewis  staff  1462 Aug 10 08:06 tools


                                                                This builds fine (at least it starts up fine), so the file is OK on my end.  What exactly do you get after untarring?

                                                              • #12556

                                                                  I downloaded it locally to check.  

                                                                  Same file: 

                                                                  -> % gmd5sum rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tgz

                                                                  701b66d69132f1641d4cc35ed38a6786  rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tgz


                                                                  Untar with:

                                                                  ~> & tar -xvzf rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tgz


                                                                   -> % ll rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle

                                                                  total 0

                                                                  drwxr-xr-x@ 25 smlewis  staff   850 Aug 10 08:06 demos

                                                                  drwxr-xr-x@ 36 smlewis  staff  1224 Aug 10 08:06 documentation

                                                                  drwxr-xr-x@  9 smlewis  staff   306 Aug 10 08:06 main

                                                                  drwxr-xr-x@ 43 smlewis  staff  1462 Aug 10 08:06 tools


                                                                  This builds fine (at least it starts up fine), so the file is OK on my end.  What exactly do you get after untarring?

                                                                • #13077

                                                                    I downloaded it locally to check.  

                                                                    Same file: 

                                                                    -> % gmd5sum rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tgz

                                                                    701b66d69132f1641d4cc35ed38a6786  rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tgz


                                                                    Untar with:

                                                                    ~> & tar -xvzf rosetta_src_3.7_bundle.tgz


                                                                     -> % ll rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle

                                                                    total 0

                                                                    drwxr-xr-x@ 25 smlewis  staff   850 Aug 10 08:06 demos

                                                                    drwxr-xr-x@ 36 smlewis  staff  1224 Aug 10 08:06 documentation

                                                                    drwxr-xr-x@  9 smlewis  staff   306 Aug 10 08:06 main

                                                                    drwxr-xr-x@ 43 smlewis  staff  1462 Aug 10 08:06 tools


                                                                    This builds fine (at least it starts up fine), so the file is OK on my end.  What exactly do you get after untarring?

                                                                  • #12038

                                                                      Oh I see.  The tar commnd was writing all the files/subdir’s to “rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle”  while I was expecting and looking for a dir named “rosetta_src_3.7_bundle”  and “rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle” directory already existed for months.  Also, I thought the 32 in the name stood for version 3.2 which was confusing me.  Anyhow,

                                                                      I believe this is resolved.


                                                                    • #12559

                                                                        Oh I see.  The tar commnd was writing all the files/subdir’s to “rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle”  while I was expecting and looking for a dir named “rosetta_src_3.7_bundle”  and “rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle” directory already existed for months.  Also, I thought the 32 in the name stood for version 3.2 which was confusing me.  Anyhow,

                                                                        I believe this is resolved.


                                                                      • #13080

                                                                          Oh I see.  The tar commnd was writing all the files/subdir’s to “rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle”  while I was expecting and looking for a dir named “rosetta_src_3.7_bundle”  and “rosetta_src_2016.32.58837_bundle” directory already existed for months.  Also, I thought the 32 in the name stood for version 3.2 which was confusing me.  Anyhow,

                                                                          I believe this is resolved.


                                                                        • #12039

                                                                            The 32 is from week 32 – Rosetta 3.7 is the week 32 release; we provide ‘numbered’ releases for the convienence of those who have to convince third parties (sysadmins, etc) to update Rosetta for them, and have an easier time doing so with numbered releases.  My apologies for the confusion!  I will suggest that we rename the files and re-tar them instead of just renaming the tarball next time.

                                                                          • #12560

                                                                              The 32 is from week 32 – Rosetta 3.7 is the week 32 release; we provide ‘numbered’ releases for the convienence of those who have to convince third parties (sysadmins, etc) to update Rosetta for them, and have an easier time doing so with numbered releases.  My apologies for the confusion!  I will suggest that we rename the files and re-tar them instead of just renaming the tarball next time.

                                                                            • #13081

                                                                                The 32 is from week 32 – Rosetta 3.7 is the week 32 release; we provide ‘numbered’ releases for the convienence of those who have to convince third parties (sysadmins, etc) to update Rosetta for them, and have an easier time doing so with numbered releases.  My apologies for the confusion!  I will suggest that we rename the files and re-tar them instead of just renaming the tarball next time.

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