Antibody homology modeling fails after blastp

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    • #2586

        I was following the antibody modeling tutorial on Nature Protocols paper and I wasn’t successful. I followed the tutorial in the Supplementary Material, and got the following error right after performing blastp query. Blast+ was performed well and produced output alright.


        libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: basic_string

        [1]    37692 abort      $ROSETTA_BIN/antibody.macosclangrelease -fasta antibody.fasta   95  90

        Mac OS version: 10.12.3

        Rosetta Version: 3.7 (2016.34)

        Blast+ version: 2.6.0

        LLVM version: 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)

        And, here’s the files that I used including log files:

      • #12148

          The Antibody team says: 

          “[You] need the latest weekly [release], as blast changed their output header format”

        • #12669

            The Antibody team says: 

            “[You] need the latest weekly [release], as blast changed their output header format”

          • #13190

              The Antibody team says: 

              “[You] need the latest weekly [release], as blast changed their output header format”

            • #12150

                Thanks, I updated Rosetta to 2016.46 and still have the same error message. Or is there a newer build that I’m supposed to use? I’m a commercial user and 2016.46 is the newest build that I’m seeing.

              • #12671

                  Thanks, I updated Rosetta to 2016.46 and still have the same error message. Or is there a newer build that I’m supposed to use? I’m a commercial user and 2016.46 is the newest build that I’m seeing.

                • #13192

                    Thanks, I updated Rosetta to 2016.46 and still have the same error message. Or is there a newer build that I’m supposed to use? I’m a commercial user and 2016.46 is the newest build that I’m seeing.

                  • #12153

                      hmm, that does look like the latest release.  We had a hiccup in the release system but it must not have restarted smoothly.  3.8 is in the works and will be out before too long.  I’ll ping the sysadmin.

                    • #12674

                        hmm, that does look like the latest release.  We had a hiccup in the release system but it must not have restarted smoothly.  3.8 is in the works and will be out before too long.  I’ll ping the sysadmin.

                      • #13195

                          hmm, that does look like the latest release.  We had a hiccup in the release system but it must not have restarted smoothly.  3.8 is in the works and will be out before too long.  I’ll ping the sysadmin.

                        • #12155

                            Can you let me know what is the latest Rosetta version available? 

                            Are you one of the author of the manuscript ( I’d like to know what version of Rosetta and blastp was used, but unable to find such information in the manuscript.


                          • #12676

                              Can you let me know what is the latest Rosetta version available? 

                              Are you one of the author of the manuscript ( I’d like to know what version of Rosetta and blastp was used, but unable to find such information in the manuscript.


                            • #13197

                                Can you let me know what is the latest Rosetta version available? 

                                Are you one of the author of the manuscript ( I’d like to know what version of Rosetta and blastp was used, but unable to find such information in the manuscript.


                              • #12156

                                  The problem that’s been holding up releases has been resolved.  It’s looking likely we will process one this Friday.  (Well, we’ll definitely process one, it has a good chance of passing the automated tests).  


                                • #12677

                                    The problem that’s been holding up releases has been resolved.  It’s looking likely we will process one this Friday.  (Well, we’ll definitely process one, it has a good chance of passing the automated tests).  


                                  • #13198

                                      The problem that’s been holding up releases has been resolved.  It’s looking likely we will process one this Friday.  (Well, we’ll definitely process one, it has a good chance of passing the automated tests).  


                                    • #12159

                                        A new weekly is up, give it a try.

                                      • #12680

                                          A new weekly is up, give it a try.

                                        • #13201

                                            A new weekly is up, give it a try.

                                          • #12161

                                              Thanks, I updated to vesion 2017.8 and the protocol started working.



                                            • #12682

                                                Thanks, I updated to vesion 2017.8 and the protocol started working.



                                              • #13203

                                                  Thanks, I updated to vesion 2017.8 and the protocol started working.



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