ERROR: Assertion Fdensity.u2 and Fdensity.u3 failed

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General ERROR: Assertion Fdensity.u2 and Fdensity.u3 failed

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    • #2808

        I’m using “rosetta_src_2017.36.59679_bundle”. I’m trying to fit some strucutres to an EM density map. My script exited with the below error. Please help me troubleshoot it and let me know if you need further details. 

        This is the script that’s I’m running:

        <ScoreFunction name="cen" weights="score4_smooth_cart">
        <Reweight scoretype="elec_dens_fast" weight="20"/>
        <ScoreFunction name="dens_soft" weights="beta_soft">
        <Reweight scoretype="cart_bonded" weight="0.5"/>
        <Reweight scoretype="pro_close" weight="0.0"/>
        <Reweight scoretype="elec_dens_fast" weight="%%denswt%%"/>
        <ScoreFunction name="dens" weights="beta_cart">
        <Reweight scoretype="elec_dens_fast" weight="%%denswt%%"/>
        <Set scale_sc_dens_byres="R:0.76,K:0.76,E:0.76,D:0.76,M:0.76,C:0.81,Q:0.81,H:0.81,N:0.81,T:0.81,S:0.81,Y:0.88,W:0.88,A:0.88,F:0.88,P:0.88,I:0.88,L:0.88,V:0.88"/>

        <SetupForDensityScoring name="setupdens"/>
        <LoadDensityMap name="loaddens" mapfile="%%map%%"/>

        <SwitchResidueTypeSetMover name="tocen" set="centroid"/>

        <MinMover name="cenmin" scorefxn="cen" type="lbfgs_armijo_nonmonotone"
        max_iter="200" tolerance="0.00001" bb="1" chi="1" jump="ALL"/>

        <CartesianSampler name="cen5_50" automode_scorecut="-0.5" scorefxn="cen"
        mcscorefxn="cen" fascorefxn="dens_soft" strategy="auto" fragbias="density"
        rms="%%rms%%" ncycles="200" fullatom="0" bbmove="1" nminsteps="25" temp="4" fraglens="7"
        <CartesianSampler name="cen5_60" automode_scorecut="-0.3" scorefxn="cen"
        mcscorefxn="cen" fascorefxn="dens_soft" strategy="auto" fragbias="density"
        rms="%%rms%%" ncycles="200" fullatom="0" bbmove="1" nminsteps="25" temp="4" fraglens="7"
        <CartesianSampler name="cen5_70" automode_scorecut="-0.1" scorefxn="cen"
        mcscorefxn="cen" fascorefxn="dens_soft" strategy="auto" fragbias="density"
        rms="%%rms%%" ncycles="200" fullatom="0" bbmove="1" nminsteps="25" temp="4" fraglens="7"
        <CartesianSampler name="cen5_80" automode_scorecut="0.0" scorefxn="cen"
        mcscorefxn="cen" fascorefxn="dens_soft" strategy="auto" fragbias="density"
        rms="%%rms%%" ncycles="200" fullatom="0" bbmove="1" nminsteps="25" temp="4" fraglens="7"

        <ReportFSC name="report" testmap="%%testmap%%" res_low="10.0" res_high="%%reso%%"/>

        <BfactorFitting name="fit_bs" max_iter="50" wt_adp="0.0005" init="1" exact="1"/>

        <FastRelax name="relaxcart" scorefxn="dens" repeats="1" cartesian="1"/>

        <Add mover="setupdens"/>
        <Add mover="loaddens"/>
        <Add mover="tocen"/>
        <Add mover="cenmin"/>
        <Add mover="relaxcart"/>
        <Add mover="cen5_50"/>
        <Add mover="relaxcart"/>
        <Add mover="cen5_60"/>
        <Add mover="relaxcart"/>
        <Add mover="cen5_70"/>
        <Add mover="relaxcart"/>
        <Add mover="cen5_80"/>
        <Add mover="relaxcart"/>
        <Add mover="relaxcart"/>
        <Add mover="report"/>
        <OUTPUT scorefxn="dens"/>



        This is the error I’m getting:

        protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: =======================BEGIN MOVER ReportFSC - report=======================
        rho_calc 6807 of 6807
        core.scoring.electron_density.ElectronDensity: Forcing apix to 1.375,1.375,1.375
        protocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: [ ERROR ] Exception while processing procotol:
        protocols.jd2.JobDistributor: [ ERROR ]

        [ERROR] Exception caught by JobDistributor for job tubulin_PF_dep_noligand_0001

        [ ERROR ] EXCN_utility_exit has been thrown from: src/core/scoring/electron_density/ line: 1053
        ERROR: Assertion `Fdensity.u1()==Fdensity2.u1() && Fdensity.u2()==Fdensity2.u2() && Fdensity.u3()==Fdensity2.u3()` failed.

        protocols.jd2.JobDistributor: [ WARNING ] tubulin_PF_dep_noligand_0001 reported failure and will NOT retry
        protocols.jd2.JobDistributor: no more batches to process...
        protocols.jd2.JobDistributor: 1 jobs considered, 1 jobs attempted in 30641 seconds
        protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of FastRelax
        protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of FastRelax
        protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of FastRelax
        protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of FastRelax
        protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of FastRelax
        protocols::checkpoint: Deleting checkpoints of FastRelax
        Error: [ ERROR ] Exception caught by rosetta_scripts application:1 jobs failed; check output for error messages
        Error: [ ERROR ]
        Loading alternate density map /home/labusr/Documents/tubulin_test_map_right.mrc

        ERROR: Assertion `Fdensity.u1()==Fdensity2.u1() && Fdensity.u2()==Fdensity2.u2() && Fdensity.u3()==Fdensity2.u3()` failed.
        ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/scoring/electron_density/ line: 1053
        /home/labusr/rosetta/main/source/build/src/release/linux/3.10/64/x86/gcc/4.8/default/ const&, int, std::string const&, int)+0x27f) [0x7f02d445448f]
        /home/labusr/rosetta/main/source/build/src/release/linux/3.10/64/x86/gcc/4.8/default/<std::complex<double> > const&, ObjexxFCL::FArray3D<std::complex<double> > const&, unsigned long, double, double, utility::vector1<double, std::allocator<double> >&, bool)+0x213) [0x7f02d6a6b6e3]
        /home/labusr/rosetta/main/source/build/src/release/linux/3.10/64/x86/gcc/4.8/default/ [0x7f02da4f9a6d]
        /home/labusr/rosetta/main/source/build/src/release/linux/3.10/64/x86/gcc/4.8/default/, protocols::rosetta_scripts::ParsedProtocol::MoverFilterPair const&)+0x22c) [0x7f02d924f30c]
        /home/labusr/rosetta/main/source/build/src/release/linux/3.10/64/x86/gcc/4.8/default/, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<protocols::rosetta_scripts::ParsedProtocol::MoverFilterPair const*, std::vector<protocols::rosetta_scripts::ParsedProtocol::MoverFilterPair, std::allocator<protocols::rosetta_scripts::ParsedProtocol::MoverFilterPair> > >)+0x3b) [0x7f02d924ff3b]
        /home/labusr/rosetta/main/source/build/src/release/linux/3.10/64/x86/gcc/4.8/default/ [0x7f02d9250707]
        /home/labusr/rosetta/main/source/build/src/release/linux/3.10/64/x86/gcc/4.8/default/<protocols::moves::Mover>&, long, std::string&, std::string&, unsigned long&, unsigned long&, bool)+0xb78) [0x7f02d9313528]
        /home/labusr/rosetta/main/source/build/src/release/linux/3.10/64/x86/gcc/4.8/default/<protocols::moves::Mover>)+0xc1) [0x7f02d9314f71]
        /home/labusr/rosetta/main/source/build/src/release/linux/3.10/64/x86/gcc/4.8/default/<protocols::moves::Mover>)+0x4a) [0x7f02d92ec6ba]
        /home/labusr/rosetta/main//source/bin/rosetta_scripts.linuxgccrelease() [0x403408]
        /lib64/ [0x7f02d2449c05]
        /home/labusr/rosetta/main//source/bin/rosetta_scripts.linuxgccrelease() [0x403d4b]
        ./ line 8: -ignore_unrecognized_res: command not found


      • #13946

          I wish someone would help with this. Thanks a lot. 

        • #13947

            Hey sorry for the delay. It looks like you are trying to do an FSC calculation using two maps of different volume. You’ll need to make both maps the same size to get it to run. This should be doable in chimera without too much trouble.



            • #13948

                Thanks a lot. I’m still new to chimera, so I wodon’t mind at all if you tell me how to do it, or refer me to a tutorial. Thanks a lot. 

              • #13955

                  I’m not actually sure I haven’t had to do it myself. I would check out this to see if there’s something you can use on there.

                • #13962

                    Thanks. I actually have been trying a few stuff like using molmap and masking then fitting the two maps, however, I’m not entire sure what you mean by having the same volume. Could you please elaborate on that? I’m still getting that eror unless I use the exact same map.  

                  • #13970

                      The maps are basically a 3 dimensional grid where every point has a value associated with it. The grid sizes need to be the same to run a FSC calculation. So if the size of your grid for the first map is 10x10x10 the size of the grid for the second map has to be the same. I believe the resample command is the one you want to use

                    • #14000

                        Thanks a lot. I looked into that, the two maps actually are taken from an original map by doing a 10 angstrom molmap and then masking. Because of that, they should have the same grid size. I tried 1) fitting in the two maps together 2) changing the origin index from map viewer->features_>coordinates to make them match, I still keep getting this error. I attached the two maps here, and I would appreciate if you take a look at them:

                      • #14005

                          Any help would be appreciated. 

                        • #14018

                            You ran it through with Rosetta using the maps with the same coordinates after aligning? I am not sure what the issue is but I will ask the author of the code to take a look.

                            Have you tried running the chimera command vop resample #1 onGrid #2?

                          • #14059

                              I just tried vop resample, I think it worked, but let me try it one more time to verify it. 

                            • #14062

                                Yep, to confirm this works. However, let me ask you, what is the FSC being done “between” exactly? The two map volumes? If so, why? It would make more sense to do some kind of other cross correlation to validate the model generated in the other map, not the map volumes themselves. Am I assuming something wrong here?


                            • #14002

                                I would appreciate any prompt help. 

                              • #14091

                                  Glad you got it working! The FSC is doing two calculations. One between a simulated map generated from the structure and the training map and the second between the simulated map testing map. What you want to see is that the correlation is similar between the two tests. If the correlation is much better between the simulated data and the training map compared to the correlation between the simulated map and the testing data you know that you have likely over fit your model to training data. 

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