Coding denovo prediction from density maps in PyRosetta

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    • #2891

        I want to code the below scripts using PyRosetta. I’m totally new to Pyrosetta, only starting to read the tutorials today. However, I know Python very well. Anyway, all the scripts seem to be calling the denovo_density.linuxgccrelease binary so I’m guessing, if there’s a Pyrosetta class or module built on that, it shouldn’t be but a few lines of code.

        My qustions are, can it be done? How? 



        mkdir round3_alpha_tubulin

        -in::file::fasta /home/labusr/Documents/tubulin_exercise/5ucy_alpha.fasta
        -fragfile /home/labusr/Documents/tubulin_exercise/9mers_alpha
        -startmodel /home/labusr/Documents/round2_alpha_tubulin.pdb
        -mapfile /home/labusr/Documents/tubulin_exercise/masked_map_center_alpha.mrc
        -n_to_search 1000 -n_filtered 4500 -n_output 50
        -bw 16
        -atom_mask_min 2
        -atom_mask 3
        -clust_radius 3
        -clust_oversample 4
        -point_radius 3
        -movestep 1
        -delR 2
        -frag_dens 0.8
        -ncyc 3
        -min_bb false
        -pos $1
        -out:file:silent round3_alpha_tubulin/alpha_tubulin.$1.silent



        -mode score
        -in::file::silent round3_alpha_tubulin/alpha_tubulin*silent
        -scorefile round3_alpha_tubulin/scores3
        -n_matches 50



        -mode assemble
        -nstruct 5
        -in::file::silent round3_alpha_tubulin/alpha_tubulin*silent
        -scorefile round3_alpha_tubulin/scores3
        -assembly_weights 4 20 6
        -null_weight -150
        -out:file:silent round3_alpha_tubulin/assembled.$1
        -scale_cycles 1
        -mute core



        -mode consensus
        -in::file::silent round3_alpha_tubulin/assembled.*silent
        -consensus_frac 0.8 -energy_cut 0.05
        -mute core

        # use the old model as a starting point
        cp S_0001.pdb round3_alpha_tubulin.pdb


      • #14182

          Unfortunately, much of the functionality of the denovo_density application is in the application file itself, and so is not included with PyRosetta. — The code is also very commandline centric, with input/output reading/writing interspersed with the calculation code.

          If you take a look at $ROSETTA3/source/src/apps/public/electron_density/, you can see how things are implemented. If you can interpret C++ well enough, you may be able to ascertain how the application does what it does, pull out the parts you’re interested and come up with a PyRosetta-equivalent protocol. It’ll be more than a few lines of code, though.


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