Error with simple_cycpep_predict protocol while using a native pdb file

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Error with simple_cycpep_predict protocol while using a native pdb file

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #3098

        Hello Rosetta devs,


        I’m not sure that this is the right place to post a bug. If not, please let me know where to post.


        I compiled both Rosetta 3.10 (and then 2019.07 release), and faced the following error when trying to predict cyclic peptides with terminal disulfide bonds using the simple_cycpep_predict protocol.

        To be more specific, my peptide has a non-terminal CYS residue at the C-term, and I was using the


         flag. When computing without a native structure, no error occured.

        The backtrace pointed to the set_up_terminal_disulfide_cyclization_mover function (see attached file).


        Looking at the source code, I found that the last residue index was sent to the set_up_terminal_disulfide_cyclization_mover function instead of the last CYS residue index. As a dirty fix, I added the following line

        last_disulf_res = find_last_disulf_res( native_pose );

         at line 2481 and changed the next line from

        set_up_cyclization_mover( termini, native_pose, true, last_res );


        set_up_cyclization_mover( termini, native_pose, true, last_disulf_res );

         in the main/source/src/protocols/cyclic_peptide_predict/ file.


        This solved my issue but I haven’t further tested this fix (especially, I haven’t tested the other cyclization types).






      • #14612

          Hi, Florent.  If you can send me your inputs at, I’ll fix that bug permanently.  Thanks!

          • #15510

              Hello, Vikram

              Have you made any progress on that issue? 



            • #15516


                I’ve made some additional tests, and actually, the problem only happens when (1) you ask for a terminal_disulfide cyclization, (2) a pdb file is provided as input and (3) the sequence and input file does NOT end with a cysteine.

                When the last residue is a cysteine, everything goes fine…


                Hope this help,



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