Rosetta ab initio run gives 0.00 RMSD for generated 2000 models? (run still in progress)

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications Rosetta ab initio run gives 0.00 RMSD for generated 2000 models? (run still in progress)

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    • #3263

        Dear Friends, 


        I am running ab initio rosetta run using openmpi:


        mpiexec -np 16 /main/source/bin/AbinitioRelax.mpi.linuxgccrelease -database /main/database/ @options -mpi_tracer_to_file log > log1.log &


        I see “score.fsc” file in the folder with 2000 models, and generated a RMSD vs Energy plot, whcih gives me this (the attached plot)

        All 2000 models have 0.00 RMSD, is this normal? Do I need to wait for the models to converge? your commensts and solutions are very welcome. thanks

      • #14983


          I cannot be sure without seeing your ‘options’ file, but it looks like to me you haven’t added the flag:

          -in:file:native {my_native_pdb_file}

          which gives rosetta a structure to calculate an RMSD against.

          if that isn’t the case, please paste your options file here!

          • #14984

              Thanks! there is no template pdb as it is a de novo structure prediciton. My options file is:


              # Make sure all variable names have been replaced with absolute path and that no line begins with a $ or ~s
              -fasta sequence.fasta # protein sequence in fasta format
              -frag3 t001_.200.3mers # protein 3-residue fragments file
              -frag9 t001_.200.9mers # protein 9-residue fragments file
              -increase_cycles 10 # Increase the number of cycles at each stage in AbinitioRelax by this factor
              -rg_reweight 0.5 # Reweight contribution of radius of gyration to total score by this scale factor
              -rsd_wt_helix 0.5 # Reweight env, pair, and cb scores for helix residues by this factor
              -rsd_wt_loop 0.5 # Reweight env, pair, and cb scores for loop residues by this factor
              -fast # At the end of the de novo protein_folding, do a relax step of type "FastRelax". This has been shown to be the best deal for speed and robustness.
              -nstruct 50000 # how many structures do you want to generate? Usually want to fold at least 1,000.
              -silent abrelax.out # full path to silent file output
              -silent_struct_type binary # we want binary silent files
              -overwrite # overwrite any existing output with the same name you may have generated
              -nstruct 50000

              Please let me know about your suggestions. Thanks.

            • #14985

                Rosetta can’t give an RMSD if you don’t give it a structure to RMSD against.  RMSD is relevant when you have a “correct structure” to compare to (meaning, for benchmarking purposes).  If you are doing an unknown protein it’s not a useful metric here.

                After generating models you can do a second-pass re-scoring calculating RMSD against the best model.  If that score versus RMSD plot shows a funnel it’s a good sign that the model is correct.

              • #14986

                  thanks! Could you please let me know how to do this re-scoring? i am trying to find it in the tutorials but not successfull. thanks

                • #14987

                    I don’t remember, but off the top of my head, just run them all through score_jd2 with -in:file:native set to whichever model you want them compared to.  

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