antibody_numbering_converter cannot recognize the IMGT scheme

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications antibody_numbering_converter cannot recognize the IMGT scheme

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    • #3361

        To whom it may concern:

        Hi I want to convert my antibody structure from Chothia to IMGT. I use the following command and get an error “ERROR: Illegal value specified for option -antibody:output_ab_scheme : IMGT”. I am wondering is the IMGT scheme already cancelled in the number converter program? This is a 2019.35.60890 version.

        /home/rosetta_bin_linux_2019.35.60890_bundle/main/source/bin/antibody_numbering_converter.linuxgccrelease -input_ab_scheme Chothia -output_ab_scheme IMGT -s 1ahw_chothia.pdb


        Best regards,


      • #15178

          This should work – but there may be a problem in the pre-processor for the options system.  It is indeed coded in there.

          For now, if you use IMGT_Scheme instead of IMGT, it should work.

        • #15179

            Use IGMT_Scheme – and any time you use the coverter for now, put the _Scheme at the end.  I’ll work to debug why the ones without the _Scheme on the end are tripping up the options system.

            • #15180

                Let me update,  change from -output_ab_scheme IMGT to -output_ab_scheme IMGT_Scheme works fine.

            • #15181

                Awesome. Thanks for the update! I’m looking into how to fix it generally.  Hopefully will have it fixed sometime soon.

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