Blast error for rosetta antibody: No argument value given for Query file

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Blast error for rosetta antibody: No argument value given for Query file

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    • #3783

        Hi there,

         When I try to run rosetta antibody with,

        “antibody.linuxgccrelease -fasta mAb2.fasta | tee grafting.log”

        I encounter error message ” ERROR: basic.execute encounter error while runnning blastp [-db, /home/user/rosetta/rosetta3.13/main/database/additional_protocol_data/antibody//blast_database/database.FRH, -query, grafting/frh.fasta, -out, grafting/frh.align, -word_size, 2, -outfmt, 7, -max_target_seqs, 1024, -evalue, 0.00001, -matrix, BLOSUM62]

         How can I solve it?


      • #15918

          I see that you wrote in two threads. I wrote a response in the other one:

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