Error when using rna_denovo in TACC stampede2 HPC

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Error when using rna_denovo in TACC stampede2 HPC

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    • #3870


        I’m totally new to using Rosetta and TACC. when I tried to use rna_denovo.cxx11mpi.linuxiccrelease in TACC, it pops up an error:

        ” protocols.jd3.JobDistributorFactory: (0) [ ERROR ] JD3 cannot be used with MPI but without serialization; you must add “extras=mpi,serlization” to your ./ build command “

        I did some search on the forum and one suggested using another program with a different extension, but TACC only have “cxx11mpi.linuxiccrelease” version.

        Thank you for your input.


        my sbatch script is:


        #SBATCH -J RosettaRun_%j   # job name

        #SBATCH -o myMPI.o%j       # output and error file name (%j expands to jobID)

        #SBATCH -e myMPI.e%j

        #SBATCH -N 1

        #SBATCH -n 16              # total number of mpi tasks requested

        #SBATCH -p normal          # queue (partition) — normal, development, etc.

        #SBATCH -t 00:30:00        # run time (hh:mm:ss) – 1.5 hours

        #SBATCH –

        #SBATCH –mail-type=fail   # email me if the job fails


        module load intel/18.0.2

        module load impi/18.0.2

        module load rosetta


        #Alter the job control above as desired and then use “ibrun” to launch your jobs


        ibrun rna_denovo.cxx11mpi.linuxiccrelease @ flags

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