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Hello everybody:
While running rosetta structure prediction protocol, sometimes, the run time error is occurred. The message is like this:
interpolate rotamers bin out of range: ASN 180 179.596 -5e-06 5e-06 15 18 37 2 36 1 0 0.959599
ERROR:: Exit from: rosetta/src/core/scoring/dunbrack/RotamericSingleResidueDunbrackLibrary.tmpl.hh line:590
Does anybody have faced this problem?
I’ve never seen this, although the error message seems to be clear; you’ve found an ASN rotamer that Rosetta hates.
Have you made any modifications to the Dunbrack library in the database?
You could try deleting all files Dunbrack*bin in the database directory. If one of those was corrupt it might cause an error like this.
I did not touch the Dunbrack library in the database.
But I have got these error messages for particular cases. Error message expresses vividly though it is really strange to me.