Can Fold-and-dock protocol applied to membrane proteins

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    • #986

        Dear all,

        I have a membrane protein which is a dimer. I want to fold the monomer and to assemble it to a dimer.
        Can Rosetta3.2 or 3.2.1 do it?
        If yes, please give some advice on option setup.

        Thank you!


      • #5902

          No one knows the solution?

          I have tried the following options:
          -database /home/clzhang/rosetta3.2/rosetta_database

          -symmetry_definition symm_def_dimer.dat


          But I got complains like: “core.scoring.SymmetricScoreFunction: Warning!!! Using a symmetric score function on a non-symmetric pose”

          Does anyone knows what the problem is?
          Or, currently, symmetry file cannot be recognized by membrane_denovo executable?


        • #7088

            Justin, how did you get on with this? any luck?


          • #7199

              The command above is completely wrong and took me down a blind alley.

              My current command looks like this….

              -run:protocol broker
              -broker:setup setup_init.tpb

              -in:file:fasta /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock/input/eliza.FASTA
              -in:file:frag3 /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock/input/aat000_03_05.200_v1_3
              -in:file:frag9 /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock/input/aat000_09_05.200_v1_3
              -in:file:spanfile /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock/input/eliza.span
              -in:file:lipofile /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock/input/eliz.lips4
              -symmetry:symmetry_definition /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock/input/elizaC4.symm
              -database /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/rosetta_database/

              -membrane:no_interpolate_Mpair -membrane:Menv_penalties -membrane:normal_cycles 100 -membrane:normal_mag 5 -membrane:center_mag 1

              -fold_and_dock:rigid_body_cycles 1
              -fold_and_dock:rigid_body_frequency 5
              -score:weights score13_env_hb
              -abinitio:recover_low_in_stages 0
              -abinitio:rg_reweight 0.001
              -abinitio:use_filters false
              -packing:ex1:level 1
              -packing:ex2:level 1
              -packing:extrachi_cutoff 0

              -nstruct 20
              -out:file:silent_struct_type binary

              -out:path:pdb /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock/pdb
              -out:file:silent silent.out
              -out:level 500

              However I’m not sure if this is using any of the membrane settings – i get something that looks vaguely like a pore type structure but the helices are at weird angles (Ie greater than the Menv penalties should allow I think).

              I’ll keep people posted on my progress but if anyone has any ideas I’d really like to hear them.



            • #7137

                EDITED NOTE: The following command is useless. Do not waste your time with it. I have left it here for the record but please don’t run this….

                I run fold and dock with the following command (see below) but when I run

                /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/rosetta_source/bin/score.linuxgccrelease -database ~/rosetta3.3_bundles/rosetta_database/ -in:file:silent default-c4membrane.out -in::file::fullatom -out:output

                to get a pdb file of the models the pdbs only contain 1 chain. How can I get the pdb of the complex (in this case a C4 symmetric structure).

                Thanks for your help


                -run:protocol broker
                -broker:setup setup_init.tpb

                -in:path:database /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/rosetta_database/

                -file:frag3 aat000_03_05.200_v1_3
                -file:frag9 aat000_09_05.200_v1_3

                -symmetry:symmetry_definition elizaC4.symm
                -out:file:silent default-c4membrane.out
                -out:file:silent_struct_type binary

                -in:file:fasta eliza.FASTA
                -in:file:spanfile eliza.span
                -in:file:lipofile eliz.lips4

                -membrane:normal_cycles 1000
                -membrane:normal_mag 5
                -membrane:center_mag 1
                -nstruct 5

                -fold_and_dock:rigid_body_cycles 1
                -fold_and_dock:rigid_body_frequency 5

                -rg_reweight 0.001
                -rigid_body_cycles 1
                -abinitio::recover_low_in_stages 0
                -rigid_body_frequency 5
                > rosetta.log &

              • #7255

                  These are the flags that I tried to fold M2 channel, and got a GDTMM 0.70 to the native structure as a tetramer. Hope this helpful –

                  -run:protocol broker
                  -broker:setup setup_init.tpb
                  -database minirosetta_database
                  -nstruct 100
                  -out:file:silent_struct_type binary

                  -in:file:fasta 2kqtA.fasta
                  -file:frag3 2kqtA.fasta.frags.3mers
                  -file:frag9 2kqtA.fasta.frags.9mers

                  -rg_reweight 0.01


                  -symmetry:symmetry_definition C4.symm



                  -in:file:spanfile 2kqtA.span
                  -in:file:lipofile 2kqtA.lips4
                  -stage2_patch score_membrane_s2.wts_patch
                  -stage3a_patch score_membrane_s3a.wts_patch
                  -stage3b_patch score_membrane_s3b.wts_patch
                  -stage4_patch score_membrane_s4.wts_patch

                  -score:weights membrane_highres.wts

                  -increase_cycles 4.3

                • #8397

                    Thanks Wangyr, following your suggestions it was clear that there were a few things missing from my commands.

                    Adding them however goves me an odd result where the actual chains are not in contact with one another.

                    Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?



                    Binary output file

                    -run:protocol broker
                    -broker:setup setup_init.tpb

                    -in:file:fasta /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock5/input/eliza.FASTA
                    -in:file:frag3 /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock5/input/aat000_03_05.200_v1_3
                    -in:file:frag9 /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock5/input/aat000_09_05.200_v1_3
                    -in:file:spanfile /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock5/input/eliza.span
                    -in:file:lipofile /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock5/input/eliz.lips4
                    -symmetry:symmetry_definition /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock3/input/elizaC4.symm
                    -database /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/rosetta_database/
                    -nstruct 20

                    -membrane:normal_cycles 200
                    -membrane:normal_mag 5
                    -membrane:center_mag 1
                    -abinitio:recover_low_in_stages 0
                    -abinitio:rg_reweight 0.001

                    -fold_and_dock:rigid_body_cycles 1
                    -fold_and_dock:rigid_body_frequency 5
                    -score:weights score13_env_hb

                    -packing:ex1:level 1
                    -packing:ex2:level 1
                    -packing:extrachi_cutoff 0


                    -abinitio:stage2_patch /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock5/input/score_membrane_s2.wts_patch
                    -abinitio:stage3a_patch /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock5/input/score_membrane_s3a.wts_patch
                    -abinitio:stage3b_patch /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock5/input/score_membrane_s3b.wts_patch
                    -abinitio:stage4_patch /home/chxcja/rosetta3.3_bundles/SIT-membrane-fold-dock5/input/score_membrane_s4.wts_patch

                    -out:file:silent_struct_type binary
                    -out:file:silent SIT-membrane5.out

                    -score:weights membrane_highres.wts
                    -increase_cycles 4.3

                  • #8433

                      Folding membrane protein in Rosetta is always really tricky. Is this protein a channel that has charged residues in the core? If that’s the case, there are a lot parameterization need to benchmark in energy function for this kind of protein, which no one has done that yet.

                      Could you run a positive control to see whether this is a target protein problem or a setup problem? Using the M2 channel fasta I posted previously will be an easy and quick test.

                      Also, it seems like the protein you are working on is really big. Please take a look at Rhiju’s fold’n dock PNAS paper to see what’s the size limitation and how much sampling you need to have.


                    • #7249

                        I don’t think that membrane_denovo can handle symmetry, although I don’t know for sure. The error is consistent with this hypothesis.

                      • #8428

                          What does it do if you run it without the membrane stuff? It may be that the membrane scorefunction changes make Rosetta less likely to shove stuff together.

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