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Crick params files

Description of file type

Crick params files are ASCII files with extension .crick_params. They define the minor helical parameters of polymer helices, such as alpha-helices, 3-10 helices, polyproline type I and II helices, etc. Since strands represent a special case of a helix, in which the turn per residue is about 180 degrees, Crick params files can also define minor helical parameters for a strand. The minor helix parameters are used, along with user-specified major helix parameters, to generate coiled-coil geometry using the Crick equations (first described by Francis Crick in 1953 -- see Crick F. (1953) "The Fourier transform of a coiled-coil". Acta Cryst. 6:685-689).


Crick params files are located in the Rosetta database, in database/protocol_data/crick_parameters/.

File format

Crick params file consist of a series of lines, each specifying either a global property of the helix type or a per-atom parameter value. The allowed entries are:

Entry Description Requirements Example
Comments Any line starting with a number sign ("#"). Used to provide information ignored by Rosetta but useful to developers or users. None, so long as a number sign starts the line. #Crick params file for a beta-amino acid 14-helix
residues_per_repeat The number of residues in each repeating unit in the minor helix. Defaults to 1 if not specified. Positive integer. residues_per_repeat 4
atoms_per_residue The number of atoms in each residue in the repeating unit. If residues_per_repeat is 1, this is inferred automatically from the number of r1, delta_omega1, and delta_z1 lines. If the number of residues per repeat is greater than 1, this must be specified. One entry must be included for each residue in the repeating unit, if the repeating unit is more than 1 residue long. The values must be positive integers. atoms_per_residue 4
omega1 The twist per residue of the minor helix, in radians per residue. A single entry must be provided per Crick params file. omega1 1.30252
z1 The rise per residue of the minor helix, in Angstroms per residue. A single entry must be provided per Crick params file. z1 0.98252
r1 The per-atom minor helix radius (i.e. the distance of an atom from the minor helix axis). Must be postive. One entry is required for each atom in the repeating unit. r1 1.0231515
delta_omega1 The angular offset about the minor helix axis for each atom, specified in radians, relative to the reference atom. One entry is required for each atom in the repeating unit. delta_omega1 0.2352525
delta_z1 The linear offset along the minor helix axis for each atom, specified in Angstroms, relative to the reference atom. One entry is required for each atom in the repeating unit. delta_z1 -0.6352431

See also