Member Site Forums Rosetta++ Rosetta++ – General clustering_decoy Reply To: clustering_decoy

Sally Ride

    I think you can just concatenate the files but I am not sure. I always generate decoys in pdb format becuase i) later I have a script that extracts decoys in clusters from the original set of pdb decoys, ii) I run rosetta on local clusters so I do not have to care about the size of the output data iii) I often process decoys by other means.

    So: I do not have much experience with working with silent format. I will start separate post on this forum to ask how to work with that.

    > i am generates in silent format
    > > Are you generating them in pdb or silent format?
    > >
    > > > i am generated 3 x of 9999 decoy, did i need to merge them befor clustering analysis? if yes how?
    > > > > hi..
    > > > >
    > > > > how to identify the best decoy according to clustering tree.
    > > > > if my protein is 176 aa, how many decoy should i generate