Reply To: To apply distance constraint to MULTIPLE residue pairs, what’s the format?

Member Site Forums Rosetta++ Rosetta++ – General To apply distance constraint to MULTIPLE residue pairs, what’s the format? Reply To: To apply distance constraint to MULTIPLE residue pairs, what’s the format?


    > Dear All,
    > I have a question about distance constraint.
    > For single pair of two residues, the following format:
    > 7.0
    > 370 A
    > 371 B
    > works. But I need to apply distance constraint to MULTIPLE residue pairs. What is the format? I tried different ways as follows:
    > 7.0
    > 1 A
    > 2 B
    > (with or without blank line)
    > 7.0
    > 3 A
    > 4 B
    > or:
    > 7.0
    > 1 A
    > 2 B
    > 3 A
    > 4 B
    > but none of them works.
    > Please help. Thank you in advance.
    > Shirley