Reply To: How to obtain alignment file for comparative modeling under Rosetta 3.1?

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General How to obtain alignment file for comparative modeling under Rosetta 3.1? Reply To: How to obtain alignment file for comparative modeling under Rosetta 3.1?


    I solved it by myself, thanks for the open source.

    For “general” alignment file format, it is unbelievable simple:

    score nnn.nnn

    queryID startPos seq

    templID startPos seq

    queryID startPos seq

    templID startPos seq

    –# for start another alignment

    score nnn.nnn

    queryID startPos seq

    templID startPos seq

    queryID startPos seq

    templID startPos seq

    I do not know which aligner generates this “general” file format. Then we need another utility to convert any other aligner’s output to this format. It seems Rosetta-CM calculates identities and gaps in its own code, although I think all the aligner will provide such information with the alignment result.

    Anyway, thanks to the Rosetta contributors.
