Reply To: problem compiling rosetta3.1 in windows vista 32 bit using cygwin 1.7.5-1

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General problem compiling rosetta3.1 in windows vista 32 bit using cygwin 1.7.5-1 Reply To: problem compiling rosetta3.1 in windows vista 32 bit using cygwin 1.7.5-1


    Hello smlewis,
    Being a novice in this area, I need more hints about what to do. So I was wondering if you can be be more spesific and detail about what I should try. Which file and in which folder I should try to modify?
    My current understanding is that I should remove the # sign that I put infront of the “cluster” in file rosetta_sourcesrcapps.src.setting.
    Then I should modify this file: by putting # in front of all lines that contain word ‘time’, which are:
    line 117: int time_start = time(NULL);
    line 142: int time_readin = time(NULL);
    line 144: int time_initialc = time(NULL);
    line 156: int time_total = time(NULL);
    line 179: std::cout