Reply To: problem compiling rosetta3.1 in windows vista 32 bit using cygwin 1.7.5-1

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General problem compiling rosetta3.1 in windows vista 32 bit using cygwin 1.7.5-1 Reply To: problem compiling rosetta3.1 in windows vista 32 bit using cygwin 1.7.5-1


    A) Yes, remove the # from apps.src.settings.

    B) By “include the header”, I mean, look at the stack of lines at the top of that look like #include (that’s pound-symbol include left-pointing angle bracket something.hh right-pointing angle bracket). Include a new header to try to fix these compilation errors – the one you want is ctime, I believe. So, add:


    to the file. (This is a special C++ file so it is NOT ctime.hh.

    C) If that fails, and ONLY if that fails, try deleting all the lines that have the time function in them. You can also comment them out instead of deleting those lines. You’ll need to use // (two forward slashes) instead of a # sign to comment out in ( is in c++; apps.src.settings is in python, the languages have different syntaxes.) You will also find a bunch of output at the end (lines with