Member Site › Forums › Rosetta 3 › Rosetta 3 – Build/Install › gcc 4.4 (4.4.2) compile error with mode=release related to -finline-limit=20000 compile option [SOLVED] › Reply To: gcc 4.4 (4.4.2) compile error with mode=release related to -finline-limit=20000 compile option [SOLVED]
February 2, 2011 at 6:58 pm
Copying the email sent to the developers’ list:
A particularly perspicacious user has duplicated this fix independently and wants to know if and how it affects the efficiency of the code:
Does anybody know how inline-limit and unroll-loops got set as high as they are? Do they need to be that high? Has anybody tested it? Are the existing performance tests smart enough to know if changing these values are a good idea?