Member Site › Forums › Rosetta 3 › Rosetta 3 – Build/Install › gcc 4.4 (4.4.2) compile error with mode=release related to -finline-limit=20000 compile option [SOLVED] › Reply To: gcc 4.4 (4.4.2) compile error with mode=release related to -finline-limit=20000 compile option [SOLVED]
Yup, I had tried the benchmark on my laptop in the past and it failed… Good to know it does not work for others…
Thanks for your suggestions
A) Thanks for pointing that bug report to me. Yes, I will certainly forward it to sysadmin, but it most likely will not be done quickly (national facility)… However, as shown in my next post, things now work great with gcc 4.4.2 and inline-limit=1133 as far as abinitio and relax computations go.
Please see next post (in an hour or so…). No apparent hit on performance. Actually improvement compared to GCC 4.1.2 with inline-limit=20000
C) In light of the benchmarking I did, I will go with basic.settings tweak for now and use the available gcc 4.4.2. As far as I can tell, the 4.4 bug leads to ICE with certain optimization/code combination, but not to buggy programs. Once 4.5 is available on my cluster, i will revisit this issue.
D) could do so, but ResidueDecompositionCalculator is not even halfway into the compile… and maybe there are other functions that would also crash with inline-limit=20000 and gcc 4.4.2. will stick with original source code for now.