Reply To: FlexPepDocking.mpi.linuxgccrelease bails out ERROR: total_residue() != 0 ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/pose/ line: 1369

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General FlexPepDocking.mpi.linuxgccrelease bails out ERROR: total_residue() != 0 ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/pose/ line: 1369 Reply To: FlexPepDocking.mpi.linuxgccrelease bails out ERROR: total_residue() != 0 ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/pose/ line: 1369


    The input pdb is produce using Rosetta docking_protocol.mpi.linuxgccrelease. Is there any error in the pdb. I am sure that there are none nonzero occupancies. I have also parm files for the heatatom in the file.
    I solved this error by adding -native pdb