Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install Build Error, ubuntu 10.10, scons 2.0, python 2.6.6 and gcc 4.4.5, truncation Reply To: Build Error, ubuntu 10.10, scons 2.0, python 2.6.6 and gcc 4.4.5, truncation


    Thanks alot smlewis and smg3d :)
    I ran abinitio on 2 proteins with no errors however on 1rop protein I have the following error
    protocols.jumping: compute strand/loop fractions for 63 residues…
    protocols.abinitio.AbrelaxApplication: run ClassicAbinitio…..
    core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory: SCOREFUNCTION: standard
    core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory: SCOREFUNCTION PATCH: score12
    protocols.jobdist.JobDistributors: Looking for an available job: 1 1 1
    Stage 1
    Folding with score0 for max of 2000
    protocols.abinitio.FragmentMover: BEGIN: 55 SIZE: 9 TOTAL_RES: 56
    protocols.abinitio.FragmentMover: Are the fragments compatible with the fasta or the input PDB used to extract the folding sequence ?
    protocols.abinitio.FragmentMover: It appears that the fragments go up to residue 63 while the pose only has 56 residues!

    ERROR: Assertion failure: runtime_assert( ( begin + size – 1 ) <= pose.total_residue() );
    ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/abinitio/ line: 122

    I checked teh fragmentMover It says that I should switch off non continuous fragment insertions… I tried some of the options stated in -help didn’t work!

    Do you have any idea how can I turn that off?

    Thanks again,