Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install Build Error, ubuntu 10.10, scons 2.0, python 2.6.6 and gcc 4.4.5, truncation Reply To: Build Error, ubuntu 10.10, scons 2.0, python 2.6.6 and gcc 4.4.5, truncation


    I have been away for some time because of all the events that have been taking place in Egypt,

    I would like to ask what else to do after getting this error message?

    Running abinitio on localhost …
    Running HOW_TO_MAKE_TESTS on localhost …
    Finished HOW_TO_MAKE_TESTS in 0 seconds
    Running backrub on localhost …
    *** Test backrub did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.762222]
    Finished backrub in 0 seconds
    Running centroid_disulfide_scores on localhost …
    *** Test abinitio did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.768115]
    Finished abinitio in 0 seconds
    Running classic_relax_1a19 on localhost …
    *** Test centroid_disulfide_scores did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.787778]
    Finished centroid_disulfide_scores in 0 seconds
    Running cluster on localhost …
    *** Test classic_relax_1a19 did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.797582]
    Finished classic_relax_1a19 in 0 seconds
    Running combine_silent on localhost …
    *** Test cluster did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.811486]
    Finished cluster in 0 seconds
    *** Test combine_silent did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.812883]
    Finished combine_silent in 0 seconds
    Running docking_full_protocol on localhost …
    Running docking_local_refine on localhost …
    *** Test docking_full_protocol did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.825549]
    Finished docking_full_protocol in 0 seconds
    Running docking_local_refine_min on localhost …
    *** Test docking_local_refine did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.838648]
    Finished docking_local_refine in 0 seconds
    *** Test docking_local_refine_min did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.840098]
    Finished docking_local_refine_min in 0 seconds
    Running docking_low_res on localhost …
    Running docking_prepack on localhost …
    *** Test docking_low_res did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.853537]
    Finished docking_low_res in 0 seconds
    Running enzdes on localhost …
    *** Test enzdes did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.868990]
    Finished enzdes in 0 seconds
    Running extract_atomtree_diffs on localhost …
    *** Test extract_atomtree_diffs did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.882559]
    *** Test docking_prepack did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.882699]
    Finished docking_prepack in 0 seconds
    Finished extract_atomtree_diffs in 0 seconds
    Running extract_pdbs on localhost …
    Running fast_relax on localhost …
    *** Test fast_relax did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.897737]
    Finished fast_relax in 0 seconds
    Running fixbb on localhost …
    *** Test extract_pdbs did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.906840]
    Finished extract_pdbs in 0 seconds
    Running flexpepdock on localhost …
    *** Test fixbb did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.925183]
    Finished fixbb in 0 seconds
    Running FloppyTail on localhost …
    *** Test flexpepdock did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.933073]
    Finished flexpepdock in 0 seconds
    Running fold_and_dock on localhost …
    *** Test FloppyTail did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.945255]
    Finished FloppyTail in 0 seconds
    Running kinematic_looprelax on localhost …
    *** Test fold_and_dock did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.953362]
    Finished fold_and_dock in 0 seconds
    Running ligand_dock_7cpa on localhost …
    *** Test kinematic_looprelax did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.962085]
    Finished kinematic_looprelax in 0 seconds
    Running ligand_dock_script on localhost …
    *** Test ligand_dock_7cpa did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.973526]
    Finished ligand_dock_7cpa in 0 seconds
    Running loop_modeling on localhost …
    *** Test ligand_dock_script did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.983064]
    Finished ligand_dock_script in 0 seconds
    Running match on localhost …
    *** Test loop_modeling did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:18.991719]
    Finished loop_modeling in 0 seconds
    Running membrane_abinitio on localhost …
    *** Test match did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.009170]
    Finished match in 0 seconds
    Running membrane_relax on localhost …
    *** Test membrane_abinitio did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.015607]
    Finished membrane_abinitio in 0 seconds
    Running molfile_to_params on localhost …
    *** Test molfile_to_params did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.030900]
    *** Test membrane_relax did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.034456]
    Finished membrane_relax in 0 seconds
    Finished molfile_to_params in 0 seconds
    Running mr_protocols on localhost …
    Running rosetta_scripts_setup on localhost …
    *** Test rosetta_scripts_setup did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.054830]
    *** Test mr_protocols did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.054972]
    Finished rosetta_scripts_setup in 0 seconds
    Finished mr_protocols in 0 seconds
    Running score_aln on localhost …
    Running score12_docking on localhost …
    *** Test score_aln did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.069573]
    Finished score_aln in 0 seconds
    Running score_jd2 on localhost …
    *** Test score12_docking did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.082229]
    Finished score12_docking in 0 seconds
    Running score_only_silence on localhost …
    *** Test score_only_silence did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.094471]
    Finished score_only_silence in 0 seconds
    Running sequence_tolerance on localhost …
    *** Test score_jd2 did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.097106]
    Finished score_jd2 in 0 seconds
    Running silent2frag on localhost …
    *** Test sequence_tolerance did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.107646]
    Finished sequence_tolerance in 0 seconds
    Running symmetric_docking on localhost …
    *** Test silent2frag did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.114052]
    Finished silent2frag in 0 seconds
    Running test_idealize on localhost …
    *** Test symmetric_docking did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.129560]
    Finished symmetric_docking in 0 seconds
    Running threading on localhost …
    *** Test test_idealize did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.138284]
    Finished test_idealize in 0 seconds
    *** Test threading did not run! Check your –mode flag and paths. [2011-03-28 15:44:19.145897]
    Finished threading in 0 seconds

    FAIL abinitio
    Files ref/abinitio/.test_did_not_run.log and new/abinitio/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL backrub
    Files ref/backrub/.test_did_not_run.log and new/backrub/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL centroid_disulfide_scores
    Files ref/centroid_disulfide_scores/.test_did_not_run.log and new/centroid_disulfide_scores/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL classic_relax_1a19
    Files ref/classic_relax_1a19/.test_did_not_run.log and new/classic_relax_1a19/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL cluster
    Files ref/cluster/.test_did_not_run.log and new/cluster/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL combine_silent
    Files ref/combine_silent/.test_did_not_run.log and new/combine_silent/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL docking_full_protocol
    Files ref/docking_full_protocol/.test_did_not_run.log and new/docking_full_protocol/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL docking_local_refine
    Files ref/docking_local_refine/.test_did_not_run.log and new/docking_local_refine/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL docking_local_refine_min
    Files ref/docking_local_refine_min/.test_did_not_run.log and new/docking_local_refine_min/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL docking_low_res
    Files ref/docking_low_res/.test_did_not_run.log and new/docking_low_res/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL docking_prepack
    Files ref/docking_prepack/.test_did_not_run.log and new/docking_prepack/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL enzdes
    Files ref/enzdes/.test_did_not_run.log and new/enzdes/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL extract_atomtree_diffs
    Files ref/extract_atomtree_diffs/.test_did_not_run.log and new/extract_atomtree_diffs/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL extract_pdbs
    Files ref/extract_pdbs/.test_did_not_run.log and new/extract_pdbs/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL fast_relax
    Files ref/fast_relax/.test_did_not_run.log and new/fast_relax/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL fixbb
    Files ref/fixbb/.test_did_not_run.log and new/fixbb/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL flexpepdock
    Files ref/flexpepdock/.test_did_not_run.log and new/flexpepdock/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL FloppyTail
    Files ref/FloppyTail/.test_did_not_run.log and new/FloppyTail/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL fold_and_dock
    Files ref/fold_and_dock/.test_did_not_run.log and new/fold_and_dock/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL kinematic_looprelax
    Files ref/kinematic_looprelax/.test_did_not_run.log and new/kinematic_looprelax/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL ligand_dock_7cpa
    Files ref/ligand_dock_7cpa/.test_did_not_run.log and new/ligand_dock_7cpa/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL ligand_dock_script
    Files ref/ligand_dock_script/.test_did_not_run.log and new/ligand_dock_script/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL loop_modeling
    Files ref/loop_modeling/.test_did_not_run.log and new/loop_modeling/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL match
    Files ref/match/.test_did_not_run.log and new/match/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL membrane_abinitio
    Files ref/membrane_abinitio/.test_did_not_run.log and new/membrane_abinitio/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL membrane_relax
    Files ref/membrane_relax/.test_did_not_run.log and new/membrane_relax/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL molfile_to_params
    Files ref/molfile_to_params/.test_did_not_run.log and new/molfile_to_params/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL mr_protocols
    Files ref/mr_protocols/.test_did_not_run.log and new/mr_protocols/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL rosetta_scripts_setup
    Files ref/rosetta_scripts_setup/.test_did_not_run.log and new/rosetta_scripts_setup/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL score12_docking
    Files ref/score12_docking/.test_did_not_run.log and new/score12_docking/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL score_aln
    Files ref/score_aln/.test_did_not_run.log and new/score_aln/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL score_jd2
    Files ref/score_jd2/.test_did_not_run.log and new/score_jd2/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL score_only_silence
    Files ref/score_only_silence/.test_did_not_run.log and new/score_only_silence/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL sequence_tolerance
    Files ref/sequence_tolerance/.test_did_not_run.log and new/sequence_tolerance/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL silent2frag
    Files ref/silent2frag/.test_did_not_run.log and new/silent2frag/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL symmetric_docking
    Files ref/symmetric_docking/.test_did_not_run.log and new/symmetric_docking/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL test_idealize
    Files ref/test_idealize/.test_did_not_run.log and new/test_idealize/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    FAIL threading
    Files ref/threading/.test_did_not_run.log and new/threading/.test_did_not_run.log differ

    38 test(s) failed. Use ‘diff’ to compare results.

    what did i do wrong?