Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications RosettaAntibody Reply To: RosettaAntibody


    Hi MPendleton,

    Parts of RosettaAntibody have been ported to Rosetta3.2. There is a new camelid modeling tool that has been developed and extensively tested with Rosetta 3.2 (publication to appear in J. Immunology). However, the standard RosettaAb and SnugDock has not been tested in Rosetta3. We are currently in the process of benchmarking it, and also developing some OO-based tools for managing Ab information. Look for this hopefully in the 3.3 release! In the meantime, I would suggest using the RosettaAntibody server or the Rosetta2.x release for antibody modeling.

    Jeff Gray