Member Site › Forums › PyRosetta › PyRosetta – Build/Install › CentOS-5 x86_64 python 2.6.6 (self compiled –enable-unicode=ucs4 –enable-shared –enable-threads) issue with 1.1/2.0 › Reply To: CentOS-5 x86_64 python 2.6.6 (self compiled –enable-unicode=ucs4 –enable-shared –enable-threads) issue with 1.1/2.0
I have added ipython module to my python 2.6.6, now that works as expected for pyrosetta-2.0:
[tru@liberte ~]$ iPyRosetta
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Apr 6 2011, 19:50:10)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
IPython 0.10.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help -> Python's own help system.
object? -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.
In [1]: import rosetta
In [2]: rosetta.init()
PYROSETTA_DATABASE environment variable was set to: /c5/shared/pyrosetta/PyRosetta-r40608.linux.64Bit/minirosetta_database... using it...
PyRosetta-40608 retrieved from:
(C) Copyright Rosetta Commons Member Institutions.
Created in JHU by Sergey Lyskov and PyRosetta Team.
core.init: Mini-Rosetta version 40608 from
core.init: command: app -database /c5/shared/pyrosetta/PyRosetta-r40608.linux.64Bit/minirosetta_database -ex1 -ex2aro
core.init: 'RNG device' seed mode, using '/dev/urandom', seed=-314165490 seed_offset=0 real_seed=-314165490
core.init.random: RandomGenerator:init: Normal mode, seed=-314165490 RG_type=mt19937
In [3]: