Member Site › Forums › Rosetta 3 › Rosetta 3 – General › ERROR: Option matching -s not found in command line top-level context › Reply To: ERROR: Option matching -s not found in command line top-level context
April 20, 2011 at 5:30 pm
The full name of “s” is “in:file:s”. Normally the namespacing (in and file) do not need to be specified, because s is a unique option name. You have out:file:fullatom in your original post; in:file:s is the analogous expansion to its full name. So, using -in:file:s in place of -s may produce different results (not for any good reason, but it’s worth a shot).
The fact that -help works indicates that the compiled code is not hopelessly broken, since it was able to detect -help.