Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install Build Error, ubuntu 10.10, scons 2.0, python 2.6.6 and gcc 4.4.5, truncation Reply To: Build Error, ubuntu 10.10, scons 2.0, python 2.6.6 and gcc 4.4.5, truncation


    So in the build folder I’ve now changed the options.settings file so that the first lines read:

    options = {
    "cxx" : {
    "gcc" : [ "3.3", "3.4", "4.0", "4.1", "4.2", "4.3","4.4","4.5", "*" ],

    And basic.settings at line 203 I inserted:

    "gcc, 4.5" : {
    "appends" : {
    "version" : [ "4", "5" ],
    "flags" : {
    "compile" : [ "-param inline-unit-growth=1000",
    "-param large-function-growth=50000" ],

    From your other post I then ran:
    sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
    sudo apt-get update

    I thought I’d try it like this, and it seems to be compiling and churning away to itself. Not saying that this is a fix, until it’s finished but it seems to have helped. If it doesn’t then I’ll try with the -fPIC flags and see what happens.

    Thanks for the help