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    last lines, after installing all files: scons: done building targets.
    A quick peek into the bin folder of rosetta_source reveals aliases to all the files installed. I suppose the installation was successful.

    Steps I took for Successful Installation of Rosetta 3.2 on Mac OS X using scons & GCC (Assuming you have an Academic License for Rosetta):

    1. Download scons, found here:
      then unpack it and change your working directory into the unpacked scons folder and install.
      for example (using the latest release as an example):

      • $ cd scons-2.1.0.alpha.20101125 // change working directory to unpacked scons folder
      • $ python install // install scons
        (alternatively, $ python install –prefix=$HOME // install scons without administrative privileges)

    2. Install the Xcode package, this is found in the Optional Installs folder on your Mac OS X Install DVD.
      I used the default settings during installation. (GCC is installed as part of the package).
    3. Download Rosetta3.2: . (I selected the “Rosetta 3.2 – as one bundle” option) And then double click the downloaded file. It is then unpacked by Archive Utility into your local directory into its own folder, by default as: rosetta3.2_bundles
    4. Go into the rosetta3.2_bundles folder and unzip the .tgz compressed files and this should create individual folders for each .tgz
      I unzipped all of them in one fell swoop: rosetta3.2_source, rosetta3.2_manual, rosetta3.2_fragments, rosetta3.2_demos, rosetta_database3.2, BioTools, & foldit.
      rosetta3.2_source and rosetta3.2_database are required, the rest are optional.
    5. In your Terminal shell, change your working directory into rosetta3.2_bundles, then go into rosetta_source directory.
    6. You are then ready to compile the source code using scons and GCC:
      I typed $ python -j1 bin mode=release // the option -jx is for number of processors you have to devote to compiling. I used 1 because I have one processor.
    7. Compiling source code usually takes about an hour. A bin folder is created. Check the bin folder inside the rosetta_source for a slew of Aliases to executable files.

    Thank you very much @smlewis !