Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install Compiling Rosetta 3.2 on Mac OS X using scons Reply To: Compiling Rosetta 3.2 on Mac OS X using scons


    A) put a pound symbol (#) in front of ShapeComplementarityCalculator in the file src/core.3.src.settings (line 186); the line below it is commented out for comparison
    B) Delete the #include in the file src/protocols/filters/ (line 21), or comment it out by prepending //
    C) stub out the “compute” function by replacing its contents (everything between { on line 76 and } on 126) with return 0;

    I haven’t actually tried this but it will either work or almost work. (Um, ScFilter will of course be irretrievably broken, so I hope you aren’t doing anything with shape complenentarity.) I can debug it further if it doesn’t. (Since it works fine for me it’s hard for me to test if it will work for you…)