adding NCAA to the N-terminal of RCSB pdb

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    • #3781


        I usually use my NCAAs by mutation in the sequences. 

        Now, I am looking for a way or application in Rosetta to add, not mutation, NCAAs to the N- terminal and C- terminal of the sequences. 

        The RCSB pdb starts with leu at N- terminal in attached picture that we need to add pyroglutamate before that 

         I wonder if anyone could let me know how I can add pyroglutamate using params file and rotlib file to the sequence. 

      • #15919

          A terminal residue in a params file is straightforward and is just a regular polymer residue with three differences.

          • For a cap at the N-terminal of your peptide, you simply need in addition to your `UPPER C` a `LOWER_CONNECT NONE`
          • the variant LOWER_TERMINUS_VARIANT and TERMINUS

          However, just like proline, you don’t need to make it a N-terminal cap and it can be a regular residue with a regular hydrogen as a cap.

          rotlib file –> surely you want solely the cis or the trans rotamer, so you have a single rotamer, so all is good.

          Something like this (assuming I got L and trans right)

          NAME GLP
          # *C(=O)[C@@]1([H])N(*)C(=O)C([H])([H])C1([H])[H]
          IO_STRING GLP X
          TYPE POLYMER
          AA UNK
          ATOM N Npro X -0.3191635
          ATOM CA CAbb X 0.0924442
          ATOM C CObb X 0.1642444
          ATOM O OCbb X -0.2966219
          ATOM CG2 CNH2 X 0.2234999
          ATOM OD ONH2 X -0.2748662
          ATOM C4 CH2 X 0.0291256
          ATOM CB CH2 X -0.0165311
          ATOM HA Hapo X 0.0614358
          ATOM H2 Hapo X 0.0367724
          ATOM H3 Hapo X 0.0367724
          ATOM H4 Hapo X 0.0297496
          ATOM H5 Hapo X 0.0297496
          ATOM H6 Hpol X 0.1637134
          BOND_TYPE O C 2
          BOND C CA
          BOND CA N
          BOND N CG2
          BOND_TYPE CG2 OD 2
          BOND CG2 C4
          BOND C4 CB
          BOND CB CA
          BOND CA HA
          BOND C4 H2
          BOND C4 H3
          BOND CB H4
          BOND CB H5
          BOND N H6
          CUT_BOND CA CB
          NBR_ATOM CA
          NBR_RADIUS 3.5393256666583808
          ICOOR_INTERNAL N 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 N CA C
          ICOOR_INTERNAL CA 0.000000 179.999999 1.447078 N CA C
          ICOOR_INTERNAL C -0.000000 64.649829 1.513661 CA N C
          ICOOR_INTERNAL UPPER -33.014224 56.297984 1.546869 C CA N
          ICOOR_INTERNAL O -165.732734 54.741215 1.222596 C CA UPPER
          ICOOR_INTERNAL H6 -59.664243 62.085696 1.485798 N CA C
          ICOOR_INTERNAL CG2 -163.501542 68.887970 1.405668 N CA H6
          ICOOR_INTERNAL OD 175.186746 51.825532 1.222447 CG2 N CA
          ICOOR_INTERNAL C4 -175.863181 71.620578 1.506041 CG2 N OD
          ICOOR_INTERNAL CB -16.423738 76.149073 1.514332 C4 CG2 N
          ICOOR_INTERNAL HA -122.036063 70.765589 1.097590 CA C N
          ICOOR_INTERNAL H2 -120.197236 69.070629 1.092834 C4 CG2 CB
          ICOOR_INTERNAL H3 118.690248 71.317031 1.094440 C4 CG2 CB
          ICOOR_INTERNAL H4 121.846624 67.735679 1.094995 CB C4 CA
          ICOOR_INTERNAL H5 -119.724197 70.713668 1.097572 CB C4 CA


          • #15923

              Thank you for your explanation and example file Could you please let me know how I can add the ncaa to n-terminal of pdb file

              I mean, What script or application should be used

          • #15924

              I normally use Pyrosetta for everything and do not know how one could do it with Rosetta Scripts.

              One crude option is to add a proline in PyMOL by selecting the pre-cap residue’s N atom (editor mode), then menu -> builder -> add proline, and the making that wretched amino acid `GLP` or whatever you want to call it (has to match the topology file) by typing `alter chain X and resi xx, “resn=’GLP'”` and `sort`, where xx and X are residue index and chain. Rosetta when reading this file will have a fit and the wrong atom names —but the first three atoms match so will fix it as it does for missing sidechains (but not for C-alpha traces). As I said, this is really nasty. An alternative is loading a file with GLP and an amino acid and aligning it to say a temporary residue build at the N-terminal or aligned via a second residue on GLP (see below).

              The topology file is fine, except for me I had to delete `LOWER_TERMINUS_VARIANT` from the params file, so `TERMINUS` is all that is required, property-wise, sorry for the incorrect info!

              But doing the following gives me the attached figure. I am not suggesting switching to PyRosetta as I think regular Rosetta may be able to do what you hope.

              import pyrosetta
              # load
              pose = pyrosetta.Pose()
              params_filenames = pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_string(1)
              params_filenames[1] = 'GLP.params'
              rts = pyrosetta.generate_nonstandard_residue_set(pose, params_filenames)
              # relax or you get the "eye of Sauron conformer"
              scorefxn = pyrosetta.get_fa_scorefxn()
              cycles = 1
              relax = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.relax.FastRelax(scorefxn, cycles)
              # check
              view = nv.show_rosetta(pose)
              view # Jupyter notebook end of cell => IPython.display.display(view)

              Which makes me realise that the cys/trans business does not apply to N-terminal residues —ops again.

              The PDB block of the first two residues looks like:

              HETATM 1 N GLP A 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.00 N
              HETATM 2 CA GLP A 1 1.447 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.00 C
              HETATM 3 C GLP A 1 2.095 1.368 0.000 1.00 0.00 C
              HETATM 4 O GLP A 1 3.252 1.601 0.321 1.00 0.00 O
              HETATM 5 CG2 GLP A 1 -0.506 -0.956 -0.897 1.00 0.00 C
              HETATM 6 OD GLP A 1 -1.672 -1.274 -1.084 1.00 0.00 O
              HETATM 7 C4 GLP A 1 0.656 -1.643 -1.565 1.00 0.00 C
              HETATM 8 CB GLP A 1 1.828 -0.726 -1.287 1.00 0.00 C
              HETATM 9 H6 GLP A 1 -0.696 0.663 1.133 1.00 0.00 H
              HETATM 10 HA GLP A 1 1.789 -0.562 0.879 1.00 0.00 H
              HETATM 11 H2 GLP A 1 0.478 -1.759 -2.637 1.00 0.00 H
              HETATM 12 H3 GLP A 1 0.797 -2.624 -1.100 1.00 0.00 H
              HETATM 13 H4 GLP A 1 2.770 -1.274 -1.189 1.00 0.00 H
              HETATM 14 H5 GLP A 1 1.950 -0.029 -2.126 1.00 0.00 H
              ATOM 15 N THR A 2 1.487 2.606 -0.701 1.00 0.00 N
              ATOM 16 CA THR A 2 0.223 2.533 -1.423 1.00 0.00 C
              ATOM 17 C THR A 2 0.222 3.467 -2.627 1.00 0.00 C
              ATOM 18 O THR A 2 0.765 3.136 -3.644 1.00 0.00 O
              ATOM 19 OXT THR A 2 -0.323 4.534 -2.558 1.00 0.00 O
              ATOM 20 CB THR A 2 -0.962 2.875 -0.502 1.00 0.00 C
              ATOM 21 OG1 THR A 2 -2.192 2.719 -1.222 1.00 0.00 O
              ATOM 22 CG2 THR A 2 -0.852 4.307 0.001 1.00 0.00 C
              ATOM 23 H THR A 2 1.979 3.487 -0.657 1.00 0.00 H
              ATOM 24 HA THR A 2 0.091 1.514 -1.788 1.00 0.00 H
              ATOM 25 HB THR A 2 -0.968 2.196 0.351 1.00 0.00 H
              ATOM 26 HG1 THR A 2 -2.732 2.052 -0.792 1.00 0.00 H
              ATOM 27 1HG2 THR A 2 -1.697 4.530 0.650 1.00 0.00 H
              ATOM 28 2HG2 THR A 2 0.077 4.425 0.559 1.00 0.00 H
              ATOM 29 3HG2 THR A 2 -0.855 4.991 -0.847 1.00 0.00 H

              This can be used for alignments. Actually, even with PyRosetta you’d make a dipeptide with GLP and align that to the pose before removing the second residue, removing the terminal cap on the proper protein pose and appending the latter to the former —with some code to copy along the PDBInfo.

            • #15934

                I am sorry. I do not have any help, advice or solutions to offer as I am very new to Rosetta.

                Could you share with me any material or literature that goes into detail and could guide me in mutating canonical amino acids in peptides to NCAA (such as D amino acids, AIB etc.) ?

                Thank you. 

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