Building loop extensions in a membrane protein with Remodel

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications Building loop extensions in a membrane protein with Remodel

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    • #3448

        Hi All,

        I was wondering whether Remodel is currently compatible with the RosettaMP framework? I have a designed membrane protein and I’m trying to alter the sequence of water-exposed loops, which involves a few insertions. I’m using Remodel to do this but haven’t been able to run it using the franklin2019 scorefunction.

        Here are the flags that I’m using:

        -s protein.pdb

        -remodel:blueprint protein_new_loops.bp

        -score:weights franklin2019


        -ex1 -ex2

        -mp:setup:spanfiles protein.span  

        -ignore_unrecognized_res true

        -database /mnt/storage/software/apps/Rosetta-3.12/rosetta_bin_linux_2020.08.61146_bundle/main/database

        -remodel:num_trajectory 1000 -remodel:save_top 10

        -out:path:all output -out:suffix $SLURM_JOBID

        -out:prefix newloops_

        When trying to run using these flags, I get the following error:

        [FILE]: src/core/conformation/

        [LINE]: 725


        [ ERROR ] UtilityExitException

        ERROR: Incomplete Conformation: Trying to access membrane framework data without initializing with AddMembraneMover. Exiting!


        Any help would be greatly appreciated


      • #15457

          Hi benhardy,

          I got the same error when I docked membrane proteins.

          ERROR: Incomplete Conformation: Trying to access membrane framework data without initializing with AddMembraneMover. Exiting!

          ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/conformation/ line: 725


          Here are my commands:


          -database /rosetta_bin_linux_2018.33.60351_bundle/main/database

          -in:file:s protein_A_B.pdb 

          -mp:setup:spanfiles protein_A_B.span 


          -nstruct 10

          -score:weights mpframework_smooth_fa_2012.wts


          I wonder that if this is a systematic problem or just that I did something wrong ? 

          And have you solved your problem yet ?

          I would be so thankful for your help.



        • #15506


            It looks like you’re trying to run protein docking rather than loop building with Remodel so I can’t really give any advice as I’ve never tried that. 

            You may need to include the flag “-in:membrane” to tell the docking protocol that you’re working with membrane proteins. 

            Have you tried using the dedicated membrane protein-protein docking application?



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