Can’t read constraint type

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Can’t read constraint type

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #2294

        Hello everyone,

        I am running Abinitio protocol with some experimental constraints and I have encountered the following message in the log file:

        core.scoring.constraints.util: (2) Constraint choice: {file name}
        core.scoring.constraints.ConstraintsIO: (2) read constraints from {file name}
        core.scoring.constraints.ConstraintsIO: (2) can’t read constraint type
        core.scoring.constraints.ConstraintsIO: (2) Read in {n} constraints

        I was wondering why this is happening. (can’t read constraint type)
        Just in case, my file of constraints is in the following format:

        AtomPair CA x CA y FLAT_HARMONIC a b c

        Thank you guys,

      • #11179

          It’s a little hard to say without seeing your constraint file, but one possibility is that you have spurious characters in your constraint file. Noise characters in the file (this includes non-printing characters, like which result from a DOS/Windows formatted file on a Mac/Linux machine) would cause exactly this sort of error.

          You might also see this error if you have blank lines in the file which aren’t *completely* blank, or comments which don’t start immediately in the first column.

        • #11206

            Dear rmoretti,

            This was exactly the problem I have found (spurios characters!).


            Thank you,


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