For design steps, I’d recommend using the aa_composition scoring term. It allows you define “composition constraints”, each of which is a desired amino acid composition in a pose or sub-region of a pose (e.g. “I want no more than 10% alanine” or “I want 25% of residues to be valine, leucine, or isoleucine” or “I want no less than 75% polar residues”), and then to add a nonlinearly-ramping penalty for deviation from this composition. The steps are:
– Add your composition constraints (which can be done at the commandline or with the AddCompositionConstraintMover,
– Create a scorefunction with a nonzero weight for the aa_composition scoreterm.
– Pass this scorefunction to the mover that you use for design (presumably Remodel, in your case).
In your case, you’d presumably say “I want no more than x% hydrophobic residue types in the region that I’m designing”.
Documentation is here: