Checkpoints in Rosetta

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Checkpoints in Rosetta

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    • #390


        Rosetta has a checkpoint option. I want to utilize it to initiate the structure prediction from a certain checkpoint not from beginning. How do I utilize the rosetta’s checkpoints to perform this task?

      • #4240

          I’m under the impression (I might be wrong) that the checkpointing is supposed to be automatic – it looks for a checkpoint file and uses it if present. Have you tried just having it present and seeing if it automatically detects it? I’ve never used the checkpointing so I could be wrong.

          • #4247

              > I’m under the impression (I might be wrong) that the checkpointing is supposed to be automatic – it looks for a checkpoint file and uses it if present. Have you tried just having it present and seeing if it automatically detects it? I’ve never used the checkpointing so I could be wrong.

              Thank you.

              It can be supposed like that.
              But I would like to know that could we use the checkpoint files manually as necessary (in the first run, I generated checkpoint files and in the second run can I use that file from particular place?)?

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