I’m relatively new to programming, and this is the first time I’m learning a new software on my own so please bear with the possibly stupid question.
I’m having trouble reformatting my protein. All I have typed so far, just to check that I’m doing it right is: ./ligand_rpkmin.linuxgccrelease
and my error message is: bash: ./ligand_rpkmin.linuxgccrelease: No such file or directory
I’m in the correct directory, scons is installed, and I see the file ligand_rpkmin.cc…
So I tried to instead run: gcc ligand_rpkmin.cc
but it gave me the message: ligand_rpkmin.cc:16:29: fatal error: protocols/init.hh: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
But init.hh does exist in the protocols folder.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!