Custom Constraints

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    • #3508

        Is it possible to specify a custom constraint function in PyRosetta? 

        Here’s a list of all the functions that we can use:

        However, none of those functions match my use case.

      • #15408


          if you would like to specify a custom constraint function in pyrosetta you will need to do it on the c++ side, and then recompile your pyrosetta installation.  I reccommend looking at how the harmonic function is implemented for direction!


          also — do not forget that you can chain many functions together (via sumfunc) which might help you avoid writing c++ code 


        • #15543

            Just in case anyone else was curious about why it is impossible —or politicians have made one distrust everything read—, here is a wee experiment I did naïvely —I have not used pybind11 or boost— that proves why it is impossible.

            Basically, Func is a pybind11 class with a method called func, which accepts a float and returns another based on the values it got from instantiation. It has other methods, such as dfunc gradient one.

            If you pass `pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.constraints.AtomPairConstraint` a python function (def or lambda) it does not like its type.

            Masking its type (code snippet below, but without inheriting), “pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.constraints.AtomPairConstraint“ still dislikes its type by saying `<pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.func.Func object at 0x……..>` is not `pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.func.Func`.


            Making the mock function inherit `pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.func.Func` makes the constraint accept it, but when calling a scorefun (or `print(con)`) with the constraint set it raises a RuntimeError as tries to call pure virtual function “Func::func”, ie. we did not actually affect the C++ level it as this happens with `pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.func.Func().func(2.3)`.

            class fake(pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.func.Func):
            def func(self, n: float): # stays virtual
            return -n
            __name__ = 'pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.func.Func'
            __mro__ = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.func.Func.__mro__
            __module__ = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.func.Func.__module__
            __qualname__ = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.func.Func.__qualname__

            a =' CA '), rsd_in=1)
            a =' CA '), rsd_in=12)
            pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.constraints.AtomPairConstraint(a, b, fake())

            However, it might be possible to write a pybind11-wrapped C++ object that accepts a python function and calls it as discussed in —but even if doable would require compiling pyrosetta or a class with the same functionality as core::scoring::func::Func.

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