I’m running a FunFolDes and it works for one protein, but outputs segmentation fault on other three. I checked all the proteins contain standard amino acids, no cys.
Admin installed debug version on our cluster and said to run ml rosetta/2019.14.debug, but i can’t find anywhere how to run debug version.
i was running
/rosetta_scripts -parser:protocol fold_design.xml -in:file:s 1mhx.pdb -out:nstruct 65 -in:ignore_waters -in:ignore_unrecognized_res -beta -ignore_zero_occupancy 0 -out:file:silent_struct_type binary -out:prefix ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_1mhx_ -out:file:silent 1mhx_silent_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_ -parser:script_vars frags=frag_1
Attached example of log run during normal run.
with what parameters and how should debug version be run?
thank you!