DesignByCavityProximity: element not expected

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General DesignByCavityProximity: element not expected

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    • #3335


        I have been trying to use the taskOperation “DesignByCavityProximity,” but I get the following error:

        Error: Element ‘DesignByCavityProximity’: This element is not expected.

        Any help is appreciated, thank you.

      • #15126

          Sounds like an XML formatting error; post the XML (or the relevant parts)

          • #15128

              Thanks for replying!

              Here is the xml:


              <ScoreFunction name="ref2015_full" weights="ref2015"/>
              <ScoreFunction name="soft_rep_full" weights="ref2015_soft"/>

              <InitializeFromCommandline name="init"/>
              <RestrictToRepacking name="repack_only"/>
              <DesignByCavityProximity name="des_cavity" region_shell="8.0" regions_to_design="100" repack_non_selected="1"/>

              <SetupForSymmetry name="setupsymm" definition="%%symm_file%%"/>
              <SymPackRotamersMover name="soft_design" scorefxn="soft_rep_full" task_operations="init,des_cavity"/>
              <SymRotamerTrialsMover name="RTmin" scorefxn="ref2015_full" task_operations="init,repack_only"/>
              <SymMinMover name="soft_min" scorefxn="soft_rep_full" chi="1" bb="1" jump="ALL"/>
              <ParsedProtocol name="design_block">
              <Add mover_name="soft_design"/>
              <Add mover_name="soft_min"/>
              <Add mover_name="RTmin"/>
              <LoopOver name="loop" iterations="4" mover_name="design_block"/>

              <Holes name="holes" threshold="100" confidence="0"/>

              <Add mover="setupsymm"/>
              <Add mover_name="loop"/>
              <Add filter_name="holes"/>



          • #15140

              Unfortunately, the DesignByCavityProximityOperation is still classified as a “development” object in the code, and as such is not availible in the public release of Rosetta.

              • #15143

                  I see. Thank you very much.

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